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Any of you got a few hairs that are really stubborn?

I've got a few hairs under my chin that appear to be the same as the others, but always stay a little longer when I shave. The only way to get rid of them is a light pass ATG. I can't go ATG in most areas, but that area requires it, and I don't go for a BBS, just an even shave.
Yes, and it changes based on my razor. My 34c left patches at the base of my neck. Futur left spots on the center of my cheeks. Now my r41 just leaves a small patch right under my chin....always needs a touch up.


No tattoo mistakes!
Yes. And some of them occasionally decide to grow flat and try to burrow back in my face. I had a couple this past week and kept trying to polish them off until I harvested enough skin to ooze blood. So I did what I should have done before progressing that far -- got out the tweezers and extracted the offending whiskers. It felt a little like failure, but sometimes enough is enough.
I have a spot on my nick where the hair grows out in a swirl. I normally find it to be abit rough after my normal shave, so I go back at the end and do some blade buffing over it in various directions.
Yes, and sometimes I cheat with my old electric to smooth it out (it's an awkward spot on my chin that I fail to get with my Futur no matter what angle I try).
Yup, one very stubborn hair right in the middle of the left side of my neck.
It just lays so flat that I just get it no matter what direction I hit it with. Fortunately it's never gone in-grown.
The only way to get at it is to stretch that area over my adams apple, a good few inches, and hit it ATG. Which leaves me choking a bit.
I've got two whisker whorls on the lower neck just above the collarbone on the right and left side that just resist all directions of attack.
Just learned to live with a DFS.
I have about 10-12 whiskers on my neck, below my chin (spread out over several square inches) that grow west->east, and disappear into the skin no matter which direction I approach them with a straight or most razors. The only thing that gets them, and gets them easily, is my 41R. Two strokes about 3" long, east->west (ATG) and BBS. I keep the razor angle pretty steep to take advantage of the comb and never lift the razor head off my skin - blade buffing I think it's called. Anyway, I gave up trying with everything else because this is just so easy.


No tattoo mistakes!
Yup, one very stubborn hair right in the middle of the left side of my neck.
It just lays so flat that I just get it no matter what direction I hit it with. Fortunately it's never gone in-grown.
The only way to get at it is to stretch that area over my adams apple, a good few inches, and hit it ATG. Which leaves me choking a bit.

I have one or two by my adam's apple as well, and use the same technique you describe. Where it can be almost impossible, are a couple of patches above the corners of my mouth where there isn't a good way to manipulate skin to get the whiskers to stand out. It's usually just a couple or 3 that are problematic, and somtimes I just have to give up and yank them out.
I have one follicle on my chin that grows four joined hairs. It looks like a single tree trunk hair until it reaches about 1/8", at which point the tip splits into separate hairs. I've inadvertently yanked it out from the root a dozen or so times when cart shaving. DE shaving just cuts cleanly through.
I got some on my neck, they grow in every direction so basically I have to go ATG in all directions. Tricky but manageable most of the time. When I insist, I am prone to irritation :)
It is the dreaded underside of my chin, and the jawline. I never had any problems with adams apple, I don't have growth there, it stops about a half inch before the adams apple. I gave up on trying to keep it perfect and smooth after hacking it up so many times.
Another for the lower Adam's Apple, both left and right: multi-grain and coarse. Don't even try for BBS anymore there, just two passes and good-bye
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Yes, and sometimes I cheat with my old electric to smooth it out (it's an awkward spot on my chin that I fail to get with my Futur no matter what angle I try).

+1 Cheat be damned, the Braun clears that one spot that I just cant - regardless of razor. Plus, it is my ATG cleanup under the nose each day
I have got some stubborn hairs on my neck as well but the worst is one single thick hair in the middle of my left cheek that seems to grow flat on my skin. My solution is the Merkur Slant! Now I am like, what hair?
There's a little grouping on either side of the chin that combines the toughest hair on my face with a difficult spot to get the angle just right. A little blade buffing usually helps.

I got some on my neck, they grow in every direction so basically I have to go ATG in all directions. Tricky but manageable most of the time. When I insist, I am prone to irritation :)

I've got two areas like this on my neck that require a LOT of patience.
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