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Any Made In USA Options?

Hello fellow old timey shavers. I am not sure if this has been asked before (I am using a droid phone, so I opted not to use glitchy search function), so forgive me if it has. I would like to know what my "Made in USA" options are for de razors and blades. Are there any?

If there are any other shaving related products made stateside, I certainly wouldn't mind hearing about those, as well.




I wanna be sedated!
There are vintage Gillette's all over the place. They are as good as any of the new stuff, and made in the USA.:thumbup:
I was kind of hoping that there were some DE options currently being man'd in the USA. I wonder if there would be enough interest in american made modern de's to justify the effort of having them made. I am pretty well connected in the casting industry, so it certainly wouldn't be too difficult to have some of these made.

Let me know your thoughts, if you have any on the subject. I am always willing to do what I can to keep manufacturing jobs in the USA, and I am sick of buying low quality disposable junk made in China.
I was kind of hoping that there were some DE options currently being man'd in the USA. I wonder if there would be enough interest in american made modern de's to justify the effort of having them made. I am pretty well connected in the casting industry, so it certainly wouldn't be too difficult to have some of these made.

Let me know your thoughts, if you have any on the subject. I am always willing to do what I can to keep manufacturing jobs in the USA, and I am sick of buying low quality disposable junk made in China.

This is the niche-est of niche markets, we're lucky that ANYONE is still making DE's these days.
Let me know your thoughts, if you have any on the subject. I am always willing to do what I can to keep manufacturing jobs in the USA, and I am sick of buying low quality disposable junk made in China.

God my world for a "Made in USA" only store. I am so sick of all the cheap garbage we get over seas and then just pile it all in the Wal-Marts, Targets, and Sears of America. The only thing I found recently that was still made in the USA at a Wal-Mart was a white paper lunch bag, and who in the world uses those any more?

I would gladly buy a razor that is made in the USA! Currently my razors are all Vintage Gillette's which all have a wonderful stamp of MADE IN USA!! So yes the short anwser is YES, YES, YES!! I would gladly buy a DE razor made right here in the good old USA. Makes me wonder if you turn USA upside down if it says made in china? Or maybe owned by China?!?! :cursing:

/me getting off my soap box
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B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Seeing how many people plunk down 100+ for Feathers and Pils, a quality stainless steel razor might be feasible.
RudyOne- I saw that classic cobra, but $$$.

GoWest- Good point, but I have a feeling this type of thing is really about to take off again. The Art of Shaving, B & B, SRP, and places like MINewYork all seem to be catching on big time.

I wasn't actually thinking of making a business out of it. I just wanted a quality American option w/o an exorbitant price. Thus far, I have been somewhat unimpressed by the German offerings. Most of the German razors I've tried seem to be a bit heavy and clunky, and they all have some slight flaw that just results in buyer's remorse after paying $70. I was thinking a modern aluminum casting might be nice. I wonder if there is any reason aluminum wouldn't work for a DE.

JtAdmin- preach on brother. It's not that I dislike the Far East. I lived and taught in Taiwan for a while, and ended up marrying a Taiwanese woman. However, while living there, I was absolutely appalled by both the amount of American products being manufactured in Asia and the number of counterfeits.

I just don't understand how American companies think it's a good long term strategy to export all of our know-how and manufacturing capabilities. It downright frightened me. It's safe to say that my soapbox is well worn. I'd get another one, but you know... they're all made in China now.

Of course, I put places like France, Germany, and the Queen's country in another category.

Grungegoatee- I agree, but contributing to the UK's GNP is far different from putting money in the hands of people that will eventually contribute to the furthering of a militaristic regime that is guilty of numerous human rights atrocities (China), or worse yet governments directly linked to terrorism (Pakistan).

Darn... I just put another hole in the top of my soapbox.
"I just don't understand how American companies think it's a good long term strategy to export all of our know-how and manufacturing capabilities. It downright frightened me. It's safe to say that my soapbox is well worn. I'd get another one, but you know... they're all made in China now."

It isn't a good long term strategy but the modern American corporate executive is primarily is only interested in one thing and that is the "short term" bonus. The short term bonus is best served by exporting all of our know-how and manufacturing capabilities. . . . . .After all, when the well runs dry, there is always another company to rape, pillage and exploit.

American companies will manufacture whatever American consumers are willing to buy.
And American consumers have consistently voted for low prices over every other consideration.
American companies will manufacture whatever American consumers are willing to buy.
And American consumers have consistently voted for low prices over every other consideration.

/me standing back on soap box

Sadly Chris you are right. The problem with Americans is we do not strive to have that one great item, that is built with great quality, and that we need to SAVE for. No, as Americans we what everything, and we want it right now, and as cheap as possible, and that we can just pay for with a 16 digit plastic card even if we can't afford it!

Like the old saying “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for a day. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”. As Americans we have lost site of that. Taking our time to catch the fish and being self sufficient. No we just go to Wal-Mart and buy frozen fish for $2.99 from China with no effort at all. The joys of being lazy and wanting everything right now. Change our values and everything will change!

/me gets off soap box


I got moves like Jagger
Like the old saying “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for a day. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”.

I think the "twisted" version is more accurate:

Give a man a fish; you have fed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish; and you can sell him bait and tackle for a lifetime.

RudyOne- I saw that classic cobra, but $$$.
Any limited production run product will be $$$. Made in the USA DE's, as stated above, are a niche within a niche. Even at best they're starting with a very limited market of buyers and then narrowing it down quite a bit.

GoWest- Good point, but I have a feeling this type of thing is really about to take off again. The Art of Shaving, B & B, SRP, and places like MINewYork all seem to be catching on big time.
They're catching on but how close are they to market saturation? DE's aren't going to regain universal acceptance.
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