The idea I have is to run a tuck for tuck blade exchange. Here's a rough sketch:
I have a 100pk of Derby Extra that I would be willing to offer up to get things rolling. Sure it's not the most praised blade here but it's a start.
Anyone that would like a tuck (5 blades) of the Derbys would offer up a different brand tuck that they have.
I'm thinking since they are new and sealed well they can be put in a regular envelope with a single postage stamp and be mailed just fine.
So you would send a tuck that you would like to exchange for the derby, along with a self addressed stamped envelope for the return tuck to you.
Once the initial derbys I have are gone I'd have 20 more tucks of various brands for exchange.
Then repeat the same process again.
I'd post what I have for exchange and it's first come first serve
What are your thoughts to this idea? Not worth it? To much work? Is a tuck of blades worth 2 postage stamps to you?
Im just seeking feedback and interest at this point.
I have a 100pk of Derby Extra that I would be willing to offer up to get things rolling. Sure it's not the most praised blade here but it's a start.
Anyone that would like a tuck (5 blades) of the Derbys would offer up a different brand tuck that they have.
I'm thinking since they are new and sealed well they can be put in a regular envelope with a single postage stamp and be mailed just fine.
So you would send a tuck that you would like to exchange for the derby, along with a self addressed stamped envelope for the return tuck to you.
Once the initial derbys I have are gone I'd have 20 more tucks of various brands for exchange.
Then repeat the same process again.
I'd post what I have for exchange and it's first come first serve
What are your thoughts to this idea? Not worth it? To much work? Is a tuck of blades worth 2 postage stamps to you?
Im just seeking feedback and interest at this point.