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Any good ad-blockers for Chrome?

I know that Google isn't about to build an ad-blocker into one of their main sources of advertising revenue, but are there any effective work-arounds? Privoxy seems to be recommended a lot, but I'm not sure I'm interested in messing around with proxy servers - does this affect browser speed and performance in any way?
I'd be very anxious in seeing a response to this, a lack of decent adblocking is one of the main reasons I don't use Chrome.

I must admit, I've been quite spoiled with Ad Block Plus on Firefox
Firefox is quite an effective work-around to your problems :001_tt2:.

Seriously, though, a proxy will most likely slow you down at least a bit, but I've not tried Privoxy. I am interested to see what kind of solutions are available for Chrome.
As mentioned AdBlock exists to fill this roll. It is identical to the FireFox extension as far as I can tell, though I am not sure if it is developed by the same people/person.
Hmmm, funny, I read a few places that AdBlock wasn't working for Chrome, I guess that was outdated info. I'll have to try it out tomorrow.....
Just so you know, the developers of Adblock Plus for Firefox have now released a beta version for Chrome. They decided to takeover AdThwart and use that as a codebase. So, if you're not after a paid product like my previously mentioned Ad Muncher, this is the extension I'd recommened. If their work with Firefox's Adblock Plus is anything to go by, this should be great.

Adblock Plus for Google Chrome.
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