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Any fans of the Dark Tower series?

My fav also, if you haven't already you should check out the graphic novels. King and Marvel comics teamed up a few years ago and there are currently (I think) six story arcs with 6-7 novels in each arc, with a few "one shot" novels in there. here is a link to marvels website about them. http://marvel.com/comics/Dark_Tower
I read "The waste land" some 15 years ago ( I think ), went of to get the previous books right away, and have read the books as they came out since. Just love the dark tower series. Think I am going to read it again soon.

And mr King shold feel free to write another chapter. Even though the end was right in some strage way, I was kinda bummed out.
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My fav also, if you haven't already you should check out the graphic novels. King and Marvel comics teamed up a few years ago and there are currently (I think) six story arcs with 6-7 novels in each arc, with a few "one shot" novels in there. here is a link to marvels website about them. http://marvel.com/comics/Dark_Tower
Yeah I've seen the Marvel comic books, just never got one for some reason.
I read "The waste land" some 15 years ago ( I think ), went of to get the previous books right away, and have read the books as they came out since. Just love the dark tower series. Think I am going to read it again soon.

And mr King shold feel free to write another chapter. Even though the end was right in some strage way, I was kinda bummed out.

I've thought about reading them all again but there are others I've been reading. good to see others that loved the series.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I loved the series except for the last one.
I felt a bit "cheated" by what I perceived as a rush to tie up all the loose ends without really thinking it through.
I loved the series except for the last one.
I felt a bit "cheated" by what I perceived as a rush to tie up all the loose ends without really thinking it through.

same here. the ending of the last book left me going, huh? not what I was expecting and a bit of a let down
I really enjoyed the first four books. The last three books were complete garbage.

+ a million (except I may have stopped at the first three)

I think King realized the story had grown beyond his ability to write it. If you read the forewords and afterwords of the last books in the series, King more or less acknowledged that the job was too big for him.

A modern monument to failed ambitions.
I agree that the first books were better then the last three, though I think that he ended it ok, (especially the true ending) That was a true stephen king ending. I just didn't care for how weak Roland was portrayed, especially in the last book, it was like he all of the sudden was forced to wear a skirt or something :cursing: .
My favorite of the whole series is the wizard glass though, the history and the love story are something else, especially in Roland's descision to go after his quest versus trying to save his love. It was quite heartbreaking and IMO one of King's best works.

BTW anyone pay any attention of give any thought to if they'll ever put these works to film? I know in the Dark Tower forum there's tons of posts dedicated to who'd play who. I still think that Viggo Mortenson would be the best Roland out there currently but that's just MHO.
I seriously think that it'd have to be laid out in some type of HBO long Mini series, aka band of brothers/john adams kind of deal.
I found book two on my last deployment and liked that one. I havent taken the initative to get the rest, though.

I'd left that for later.

Although...if the last of the series is as big of a failure as it sounds like from this thread, maybe I should just leave it as is...
Well, I must be in the minority here. I actually found the ending oddly appropriate myself.

And I second checking out the Dark Tower comics/graphic novels if you're a fan. They're quite well done.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I found book two on my last deployment and liked that one. I havent taken the initative to get the rest, though.

I'd left that for later.

Although...if the last of the series is as big of a failure as it sounds like from this thread, maybe I should just leave it as is...

It is. Maybe that's why he's rumored to be trying a new end book.

King is just tired and doesn't have the zing anymore.

His book Duma Key was just a parody of all the "King moves", killing off innocent characters, swearing for no apparent reason whatsoever, blatant and obvious product placement (I leaned against the four door Ford Taurus I rented from the agency) and his incessant ramblings about how he hates George Bush (don't disagree with him necessarily, just not sure what that had to do with the story at all).

I have come to favor Dean Koontz over King these past few years.

Well, I must be in the minority here. I actually found the ending oddly appropriate myself.

It certainly was odd!!
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His book Duma Key was just a parody of all the "King moves", killing off innocent characters, swearing for no apparent reason whatsoever, blatant and obvious product placement (I leaned against the four door Ford Taurus I rented from the agency) and his incessant ramblings about how he hates George Bush (don't disagree with him necessarily, just not sure what that had to do with the story at all).

If you think that was bad, then you should check out Under The Dome. :thumbdown
I enjoyed the dark tower series too. I generally like those long epic scifi/fantasy series. I enjoy listening as audiobooks when I run or work out. I keep waiting for grr Martin to finish the fire and ice series, it's been a long time. But I was pleased to recently hear that another volume of the wheel of time series by the late great Robert Jordan has been published. I'm part way thru it and it's great.
Yes, I have read the entire series and some of the books, twice. On the first time through them, Wizard and Glass (#4) was my favorite. Also, Stephen King is one of my top favorite authors. I recently finished Under the Dome, which my wife gave me for Christmas.

I read The Talisman first which led me to the Dark tower series, I loved it. Also liked the related The Eyes of The Dragon which I had read probably 10 years prior to discovering the Dark Tower. It seems that I prefer King's non-horror books.

It's another one of those that could probably be done well as a movie, but the scope of the material is just way too much to cover well in a movie and I don't think that It could be pulled off too well as a TV series, although I wouldn't complain if HBO or Showtime tried to pull it off.
I love the Dark Tower series. I started reading them in college when I could only afford the paperbacks, then when it was time to read the final 3 (the last one had just came out) my wife (GF at the time) went and bought all of the hardcovers for me as a Christmas gift. That's when I knew I had a keeper.

I can't imagine what else King would write in another chapter of the series. The ending was very appropriate for me. Roland spent his entire life trying to rectify the mistakes of his past, and he will continue to do so until he gets things right.

I have the first Dark Tower comic they put out in hardcover, very nicely done. I've read the 2nd one but I don't own it yet.

I'll say it's my favorite series for now, but I'm only on book one of Song of Ice and Fire by GRR Martin, so we'll see how that plays out.
I read The Talisman first which led me to the Dark tower series, I loved it.

If my memory serves me right, you should give "black house" a try. It is somehow conected to "the talisman" ( I think)

I have not read anything by King since "Cell" which was a complete turnoff for me. I have Liseys story in my bookcase, but seem to be unable to motivate myself.

I agree about the "quick wrap up" ending. But Roland ended up as a lonely, worn down wreck who had sacrificed everything and everyone he ever had close to himself in the quest for the tower. No glory for heroes :crying:
Bumping this up to say that there's been a good bit of movement on the following.

The Dark Tower Movie/TV series is moving forward with Ron Howard instead of JJ. Looks like JJ was a bit overwhelmed himself with the idea of taking on such a monster of a project that he held so close to his own heart. From what I understand, the best guess out there at the moment is a movie to be followed by a TV series. Sounds possible but I'm really worried about them butchering things, as I always have/will be.

The 8th book (The Wind Through The Keyhole [working title]) seems to be coming along.

The next comic book arc (The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger) has launched.

The Discordia web experience/game (which is a bit one dimensional but I enjoyed it a good bit for what it is) is also out there for fans to jump into.

The series is booming with activity.

And I have to throw my 2 cents into the mix on the whole "the latter books weren't as good as the first one". Of course they weren't. Ever since he got hit by that van his writing style has changed drastically. Moreover, I've always had the impression that he didn't want/know how to keep going with the dark tower series. I rode Blaine the Mono for a LONG time, but I was not one of the people (death row inmates, grannies on their death bed) asking to know "how it ends" or if he could keep writing them because I knew he would when he could. He was facing monster pressure from his fanbase (we Constant Readers) to pick the series back up. So he did, though with a shudder and a good bit of reluctance.

It was a bit hit or miss after that and (for those who didn't like the final act) he warned you not to read the last passage in book 7 and to leave well enough alone. Of course I read it, and (like he said) wished I hadn't, but it's still a wonderful series by an amazing author.

I just hope the Movie/TV/whatever stuff keeps (and it has so far) living up to the high standards that the series itself, the comics, and even the Discordia portal have maintained so far.

Let's keep this thread alive with updates since it's often hard to dig out the truth from the speculation as far as breaking news on the Tower. I know I'll try.

I just finished the last book about a month ago... Great series!! He's contemplating writing more? That's interesting... maybe he feels the story isn't finished.
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