My favorite series of books I've ever read. Heard recently that King is considering writing another chapter.
Yeah I've seen the Marvel comic books, just never got one for some reason.My fav also, if you haven't already you should check out the graphic novels. King and Marvel comics teamed up a few years ago and there are currently (I think) six story arcs with 6-7 novels in each arc, with a few "one shot" novels in there. here is a link to marvels website about them.
I read "The waste land" some 15 years ago ( I think ), went of to get the previous books right away, and have read the books as they came out since. Just love the dark tower series. Think I am going to read it again soon.
And mr King shold feel free to write another chapter. Even though the end was right in some strage way, I was kinda bummed out.
I loved the series except for the last one.
I felt a bit "cheated" by what I perceived as a rush to tie up all the loose ends without really thinking it through.
I really enjoyed the first four books. The last three books were complete garbage.
I found book two on my last deployment and liked that one. I havent taken the initative to get the rest, though.
I'd left that for later.
Although...if the last of the series is as big of a failure as it sounds like from this thread, maybe I should just leave it as is...
Well, I must be in the minority here. I actually found the ending oddly appropriate myself.
His book Duma Key was just a parody of all the "King moves", killing off innocent characters, swearing for no apparent reason whatsoever, blatant and obvious product placement (I leaned against the four door Ford Taurus I rented from the agency) and his incessant ramblings about how he hates George Bush (don't disagree with him necessarily, just not sure what that had to do with the story at all).
I read The Talisman first which led me to the Dark tower series, I loved it.