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Any Beer Lovers out there?

Just wanted to see if people who like shaving also like beer. What is your favorite beer? Myself I prefer many types. But one of my new favorites recently was introduced into Atlanta, New Belgium's Fat Tire.
I prefer lagers like Christian Moerlein or Stella Artois and of course the old stand by Bud.
Like beer? Who doesn't like beer! I'm quite lucky to live in an area with some fantastic breweries. Anything Bell's or Founders does is awesome in my book.
Like beer? Who doesn't like beer! I'm quite lucky to live in an area with some fantastic breweries. Anything Bell's or Founders does is awesome in my book.
and Dark Horse, The Livery, Jolly Pumpkin, Short's...Michigan is one of my favorite beer states. A top 5 for sure.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Belgian ales are some of my favorites. Close to them, Unibroue stuff/microbrewey.
New Belgium just became available in South Dakota as well. I used to have to drive about 70 miles (one way) to get it, across the state line to a place, appropriately named "State Line Station". Well worth it!

Fat Tire is great beer, but my favorite New Belgium brew is by far the Abbey Belgian style ale, followed closely by 1554, but I do tend to prefer the darker, heavier side of beer. NB has OUTSTANDING seasonal brews as well, try as many as you can!
Another beer I always ask for anytime someone I know heads to Denver is Chimay. Any kind is good, but Chimay Red (Premiere) is my fav.
I hate the stuff...especially Anchor Steam on tap, Dogfishead 90 minute IPA and Goose Island Honkers Ale. Although that stuff outta Chicago is giving me a bit of ahgeda these days.
New Belgium just became available in South Dakota as well. I used to have to drive about 70 miles (one way) to get it, across the state line to a place, appropriately named "State Line Station". Well worth it!

Fat Tire is great beer, but my favorite New Belgium brew is by far the Abbey Belgian style ale, followed closely by 1554, but I do tend to prefer the darker, heavier side of beer. NB has OUTSTANDING seasonal brews as well, try as many as you can!
Another beer I always ask for anytime someone I know heads to Denver is Chimay. Any kind is good, but Chimay Red (Premiere) is my fav.

Yeah I've tried FT, 1554 (I prefer the dark beers also), and the organic Wheat. There all pretty good. I am waiting for them to arrive on tap.
I like Beer, it makes me a jolly good fellow
I like Beer, it helps me unwind and sometimes it makes me feel mellow
Vodka's too rough, champagne costs too much, and whiskey sets my mouth in gear
This little refrain, should help to explain
As a matter of fact, I LOVE BEER!

Anyone else remember that one?

Anyway, although I enjoy many different varieties of the old bread soda, exotic and ordinary alike, my current favorite is Smuttynose Old Red Dog Ale. Come by for a band practice and I'll crack a few open for ya.

Massachusetts Native + Irish = Me <3 Guinness to the nth degree.

Of course, I enjoy beers of all varieties, and as the summer approaches I'm looking forward to some tasty, refreshing Wits and Weizens.
and Dark Horse, The Livery, Jolly Pumpkin, Short's...Michigan is one of my favorite beer states. A top 5 for sure.

Yeah, I hear that. I was lucky enough to a live a block away from both a brewpub and a small microbrewery going to college, one of which was The Keweenaw Brewing Company. KBC produced and still does produce some pretty decent stuff. Not quite top notch, mind you, but to a poor college student its tough to beat microbrewed beer selling for $2 a pint.
I love IPAs and pale ales - the hoppier the better.

Right now I'm drinking a lot of Bell's Two-Hearted, and anything by a local brewery called Surly, especially Surly Furious. The New Belgium Mighty Arrow is really good, too.
I love IPAs and pale ales - the hoppier the better.

Right now I'm drinking a lot of Bell's Two-Hearted, and anything by a local brewery called Surly, especially Surly Furious. The New Belgium Mighty Arrow is really good, too.
How about some Surly Darkness.
Hefeweizen is always a good choice. Also any beer brewed in Belgium. My brother and I had a lot of fun in Europe a few years ago trying all the different beers, especially when the alcohol &#37; in many in Belgium were 15% and the majority we were drinking in Amsterdam were very high as well, and much too tasty to stop drinking.
im a bit of a fan. If you couldnt tell from my avatar... heres my pool room.

You could say beer is my hobby. There are about 500 on the shelf, each bottle different. And yes, ive consumed them all.
im a bit of a fan. If you couldnt tell from my avatar... heres my pool room.

You could say beer is my hobby. There are about 500 on the shelf, each bottle different. And yes, ive consumed them all.

That's awesome man. Any Favorites?
That's awesome man. Any Favorites?

not heaven mate - theyre all empty so its hell! :biggrin:

I go for the hoppier and stronger ales as a general rule. Though in the middle of summer an IPA goes down a treat.

Probably my favourite is Chimay Grand Reserve. Ive a Jeroboam (3 litre) of it waiting for the day I graduate, so its being opened at the end of the year. These Chimays age really interestingly, its quite cool to open a 5yr old one at the same time as a brand new one and taste the differences.
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