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answers to why men shave...

per the Weekly Guardian....

Stuart Jeffries gets a wet shave at Trumpers barbers, London. Photograph: Christian Sinibaldi

Why do men shave?
As any woman will tell you, the alternatives to shaving are waxing, the more effective north African caramel usage or laser removal. These methods are both time-consuming and engage some expense, which is why we men shave.
E Slack, L'Isle Jourdain, France
• Women prefer clean-shaven men, since that lessens the chance of stubble or beard rash. Men perhaps opt for shaving so they don't end up like Lear's old man, in whose beard an assortment of birds built their nests.
Ursula Nixon, Bodalla, NSW, Australia
• Fashion.
Elizabeth Keating, Orcemont, France
• Wear a beard for a while and find out!
Philip Stigger, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
• Each tries to preserve his own distinctive physiognomy. Few have a command of hirsute topiary.
Bernard Burgess, Tenterden, UK
• To keep the rest of us on edge.
Lesley Boncich, Cupertino, California, US
• Just to be one of the boys.
Bill Bunbury, Margaret River, Western Australia
• So as not to be mistaken for professors, maybe?
Joan Dawson, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
• So we can see their tattoos more clearly.
David Percival, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
• An alternative food storage system – the larder – was developed.
Stuart Williams, Kampala, Uganda
• So they can give smoother kisses.
Margaret Wilkes, Perth, Western Australia
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