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Another Merkur 39C success story


my brain goes "thonk"
Hello all.

Today I used my 39C with a Gillette super stainless(sometimes referred to as black around here)which had 2-3 shaves on it already. I used a homemade pre-shave oil and RR P-160. I made my lather in a Dirty Bird shave scuttle. After made first pass I rinsed with cold water and applied more pre-shave oil. I did maybe 4 passes total and got one of the best shaves I have gotten in a long time. Of course I was working one a 2-3 day old beard, maybe that's why the shave was so smooth. I followed up with astringent to stop the weepers,witch hazel, and Baxter's after shave balm and yes my face and neck are very BBS:thumbup:. I just wanted to share that.
Been trying to decide between the 39 and 37. To anyone who has both, does the extra heft of the 39 make the slant shave smoother? Right now I am leaning toward the 37, as I already have a 34hd that shaves well for me. (& shares same dimensions if I am correct)
Been trying to decide between the 39 and 37. To anyone who has both, does the extra heft of the 39 make the slant shave smoother? Right now I am leaning toward the 37, as I already have a 34hd that shaves well for me. (& shares same dimensions if I am correct)
I still rate my shaves with 37c and 39c as equal. I alternate them in my rotation. Really is HMMV.
Not sure what razor you are coming from but I had a 23c that has been very easy to shave with. Just picked up a 39c and its hefty. On my north to south passes you can just let it glide as the weight of the razor is putting all the pressure you need. It is my ATG or South to North passes that are tough, The weight of the razor seems to force you to steady with some pressure to keep against face. Ive only had minor irratation with this as it is learning a new technique. I'd love to see what that more than ounce lighter difference is in the 37c. I did get the 39c as I seem to liek the longer handles.

I have both, but I got the 39C first and it turns out that I'm more of a 37C fan, but that's me. I just find the 37C more maneuverable. While there are plenty of threads out there, this recent thread had plenty of opinions on both: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/324005-I-am-torn-Should-I-get-the-Slant-37c-or-39c.
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