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Anosmia? Sign me up.

I have been fighting allergies since Thursday. It's a usual thing with me, especially this time of year when I'm told pollen counts are at a 20 year high.

This time there's a twist, though. I've now gotten my sinuses relatively open - that is, I can breathe through both sides - but all sense of smell is gone. Dead. Kaput.

First noticed when I got a bottle of musk a/s in the mail this morning. Cracked it open (mint box), took a whiff and immediately got really mad because it had zero scent. What'd this joker do, fill an empty bottle with water?!? But no, the wife smelled it and it's as it should be. The problem was my nose.

Since then I have tried Osage Rub, which usually waters my eyes, the wife's Noxema and everything else I have that's potent. I can feel the volatile vapors going up my nose but there's zero scent. Didn't even notice my toddler's toxic diaper when I got her up from her nap.

And the BLT for lunch? I could taste the salt and nothing else.

Googling this disorder leads me to think it's usually temporary, and that's what I'm hoping for. Anyone else here ever got anosmia after a plain old cold or sinus trouble?
Never heard of it. I also have sinus and allergy problems. My nose only works part of the time. I sometimes use a damp washcloth on my face to activate my sense of smell. This comes and goes year round for me. I also have the two weeks in spring and two weeks in fall with swollen eyes, puffy face, and clogged sinuses.

Have you tried one of those nasal salt-water flush devices?
Have you tried one of those nasal salt-water flush devices?

Yep, the NeilMed salt water wash bottle. Been using it for over a year now and it's why my sinuses are open at all now. Great to have around for allergies.
No, that stuff has been off the market for at least a year now (the up-the-nose application, anyway).
Yep, the NeilMed salt water wash bottle. Been using it for over a year now and it's why my sinuses are open at all now. Great to have around for allergies.
I have one of those ... best $10 I ever spent.

I don't have allergies, but I do suffer from nasal congestion and runny nose this time of year, when the temperature goes back and forth Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold. It happens twice a year, actually, as the seasons change.

The Niel Med bottle keeps me breathing clear no matter what.

You can also find them in health food stores under the original name of "Neti Pot." Its an Ayurvedic practice, from Indian Indian medicine going back thousands of years.
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