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Animal Planet

Is it just me or has this channel gone down hill? It seems like the shows are less educational then they used to be. Everything is a dramatized reality show with little to no educational value at all. Not too long ago there was a "special" on mermaids. That's right... mermaids. :thumbdown
Name a channel that's actually gone uphill lately; I for sure can't think of one.

Last week my Travel Channel went out because I need to buy a HDTV screen to make my TV compatible. After a few days without the Travel Channel, I realized that I didn't miss it because in reality they rarely traveled anywhere...
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Reality TV has not been good for television. Which is to say that accomplished the unlikely and dumbed down the idiot box. At least the Nat Geo Channel is still pretty good.
Is it just me or has this channel gone down hill? It seems like the shows are less educational then they used to be. Everything is a dramatized reality show with little to no educational value at all. Not too long ago there was a "special" on mermaids. That's right... mermaids. :thumbdown

Heck a lot of the new shows don't even have animals in them. They used to(don't know if they still do) have a show called "I Shouldn't Be Alive"..that had animals in it for about all of 5 minutes, if that.

All of discovery's channels have gone EXTREMELY downhill. First it was TLC..then it was Discovery Channel..then Animal Planet and now History Channel. Replacing actual educational, informative, and entertaining shows with carbon-copy reality shows that bring nothing to the table other than 'drama'.

I still miss "Made in America" with John Ratzenberger. Give me him over Larry "the Cable Guy" any day of the freakin week. Also..RIP Mail Call. :(

As much as I used to love TV and would watch it all the time..when I save up enough to move out on my own I will definitely not be springing for cable. Internet and cellphone then I'll be set. I don't need to be paying the extra $40-60+ a month for something I don't even use anymore.
I'd like to say it's gone downhill, but I don't ever recall a time it was up the hill. I admit, it's pretty terrible, but even with the crocodile hunter, it was never that great to begin with. The only thing I watch on that channel now is the Puppy Bowl (way better than the Super Bowl pre-game show).
All of discovery's channels have gone EXTREMELY downhill. First it was TLC..then it was Discovery Channel..then Animal Planet and now History Channel. Replacing actual educational, informative, and entertaining shows with carbon-copy reality shows that bring nothing to the table other than 'drama'.
This pretty much sums up a lot of the cable stations going w/ cheaper 'reality' programming. The shows it replaced were OK, but this stuff now is just drek.
The history channel has now become histo-tainment.

IMO, you lose the right to claim that you are a history based channel the second you air anything about bigfoot.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Did anyone see Mermaids: The Body Found? It was pretty compelling evidence for the existence of aquatic apes. I think the Sea Sheppard's next campaign is to protect them from being weaponized by the Navy.
Did anyone see Mermaids: The Body Found? It was pretty compelling evidence for the existence of aquatic apes. I think the Sea Sheppard's next campaign is to protect them from being weaponized by the Navy.
Haha, man that show was absolutely horrible! I think the CGI in the original Myst was a lot better then the crap that they put together for that show.
Greatest comedy show on TV since The Marx Brothers/.

You should have seen Weed Wars when it was being shown..I think the show was canned already but MY WORD IT WAS FLIPPING HILARIOUS.

They actually could not figure out why the California government didn't take them as a serious business when one of the guys that went to the meeting was a man by the name of "Dave Wedding Dress".

And yes..he was wearing a dress along with a blazer. And had a massive beard. Seems legit.
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