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Anglers of B&B. what's your favorite type of fish to catch?

I grew up fishing for trout in the streams and rivers of the Black Hills with a spin rod and lures. I'd love to learn how to fly fish someday
Amberjack for the fight they put up. However, I enjoy catching any fish be it fresh or saltwater.

This type.

Caught and released about 26 in an hour and a half. Bout seven this size.

Super good time. I was standing on this elevated, concrete pier pillar......bystanders watching me pull them in left and right. Can't wait for daybreak. Neither can my son.
Those blue gill look like a lot of fun! I've never lived anywhere where I could catch them.

I also really like sea run cutthroats, not as exotic as browns or steelhead, but still a great little fish. Before Montreal I lived in a place where you could catch them a few minutes from down town. Pretty much all sight casting and they were really aggressive to dry flies Of course, I only discovered this a few weeks before moving away.

Here are a few pics I found on my computer:
$cut throat.jpg

$cutthroat 1.jpg

$cutthroat 2.jpg


Needs milk and a bidet!
This was the largest Blue Gill I ever caught and the reason they are my favorite fish to catch. You would have thought this thing weighed 5lbs.


Holding up his Blackberry for comparison.
The most fun I have ever had was fly fishing for bluegill on a little creek near my house back home in WV. Great for working on your technique and they don't spook as easy as some fish. Great little fighters for their size and hours of entertainment on light tackle.
Usually a bass guy myself. Largemouth when I'm in RI and smallmouth when I'm at in-law's lake house in Maine.

Love saltwater also, it rarely have time to get out lately.
For me, it's not a fish as much as it's a place. If I could choose only one place to fish for the rest of my life, then it would be the flats down in the Florida Keys. Big fish for the big boys and plenty of baitfish for the grandkids to catch. Maybe one day I'd catch that permit on a fly.
For me, it's not a fish as much as it's a place. If I could choose only one place to fish for the rest of my life, then it would be the flats down in the Florida Keys. Big fish for the big boys and plenty of baitfish for the grandkids to catch. Maybe one day I'd catch that permit on a fly.

Pick the right time of the year and it could be a tarpon or bonefish. When I was down there in July I saw flyfisherman going after bonefish and tarpon. One fellow in Islamorada caught a beautiful tarpon on a fly.
This was the largest Blue Gill I ever caught and the reason they are my favorite fish to catch. You would have thought this thing weighed 5lbs.

View attachment 359210

Holding up his Blackberry for comparison.
View attachment 359211

WOW :ohmy: that is truly a bull gill! I too am a lover of the panfish...any of them. Bream (or bluegill), sunfish, warmouth, pumpkinseed, redbreast, and hybrids thereof. Great fighting fish and fight like whales on light tackle. I imagine most folks raised in the south cut their teeth fishing for panfish, I know I did and so are my kids.
Muskie. Fishing for Muskie around these parts is almost it's own cult-like religion. They put up an amazing fight and are quite challenging in many respects.

Otherwise, I still love large mouth bass.

When I'm fishing with the kids, we have a ball catching bluegill's all day long and feasting on them for dinner.
I Love Mahi Mahi. I prefer to get them from under the water, however. :)

But I'll take em from above the water too. 19 kg!


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In Spring and Fall I like to fish for trout; rainbows, brownies etc. In fact this Spring was my 2nd year fly fishing and I caught my first trout on a dry fly. The excitement of that first catch was worth waiting another 5 years for. Decent size too, probably about a 21 incher. Not bad for the small creek I was in. I also love largemouth in general, but they are especially fun on the fly.

However, that said, I always find myself enjoying the fight of a nice sized bluegill or sunny. They may be little sons of guns but pound for pound they put up as good a fight as anyone. There's nothing like going back to float fishing on a farm pond for blue gill like I did as a young kid with my father.
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