I would like to list a few razors on B/S/T in the next couple days but I would like to present the post with full disclosure. Any advice on how to appropriately word the descriptions so that it's clear would be greatly appreciated.
The first is a Fatboy. There is something slightly wrong with the silo doors that when you try to close it, they catch. They close if you twist hard enough but obviously that wouldn't be ideal. The tricky part is if you close it enough that the blade is in then flip the razor upside down it closes the rest of the way perfectly smoothly. There is also what appears to be a couple tiny little dents where someone may have used pliers to bend the safety bar a little. It looks straight to me and I used 2000 grit sandpaper for a few seconds to smooth it out. I've been shaving with this razor for the past week with no issues and I love it however I came across one that is my father's birth quarter so I'll be using that one instead. I paid too much for this razor and don't expect anywhere near that(40$) but I was wondering if it's worth anything. Not looking for a value as I know that's not allowed but I just want to make sure that with these flaws it's still worth trading or if it's just scrap. If that's the case I'll give it to my brother or something and try to convince him to pick up this hobby.
Next, I was wondering about bent teeth. I have an old type ball end tech. The kind with the bullet shaped prongs under the head to hold the plate in place. It's a sweet little razor except a couple teeth are bent a little. I'll post a picture to show this. Again, does this kill value and is it worth nothing, or would people still have interest in this?
The other razors are pretty straight-forward and mechanically fine I just wanted to make sure I described these two as accurately as possible when I make the post.

The bent teeth are the few in the top left corner.
The first is a Fatboy. There is something slightly wrong with the silo doors that when you try to close it, they catch. They close if you twist hard enough but obviously that wouldn't be ideal. The tricky part is if you close it enough that the blade is in then flip the razor upside down it closes the rest of the way perfectly smoothly. There is also what appears to be a couple tiny little dents where someone may have used pliers to bend the safety bar a little. It looks straight to me and I used 2000 grit sandpaper for a few seconds to smooth it out. I've been shaving with this razor for the past week with no issues and I love it however I came across one that is my father's birth quarter so I'll be using that one instead. I paid too much for this razor and don't expect anywhere near that(40$) but I was wondering if it's worth anything. Not looking for a value as I know that's not allowed but I just want to make sure that with these flaws it's still worth trading or if it's just scrap. If that's the case I'll give it to my brother or something and try to convince him to pick up this hobby.
Next, I was wondering about bent teeth. I have an old type ball end tech. The kind with the bullet shaped prongs under the head to hold the plate in place. It's a sweet little razor except a couple teeth are bent a little. I'll post a picture to show this. Again, does this kill value and is it worth nothing, or would people still have interest in this?
The other razors are pretty straight-forward and mechanically fine I just wanted to make sure I described these two as accurately as possible when I make the post.

The bent teeth are the few in the top left corner.