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An Arko Thread To End All Arko Threads

Couldn't visit the soap section without tripping over a new arko thread almost everyday.

Thought I'd help the arkomaniacs have a place of their own:

$Arko Temple.jpg

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Lather of the gods.... Ruler of all soap.... Master of the brush.... The all mighty Arko....

I've tried it and loved it, unfortunately I had a fellow B&B'er that lives near me so I cut off a chunk and now I'm at the bottom of the stick. :a38::a38::a38:

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Great! We have 6 Arko threads on the front page, what a great advertisement for this great soap!!
It must be so hard on the Arko-haters that every time they post they make things worse for themselves.....

@merkur25; have you ever thought about getting your user-name changed to Don Quichot? It seems to suit you! :devil:
Yes, it's cheap and lathers thick - but it doesn't fill your bank account, impress your boss or seduce beautiful women. It's a freakin' shaving soap.

It would be nice to see a moratorium on Arko threads and this genuinely would be the Arko thread that ends them all, soon.

There are certain types of threads that irritate me as well but, because I didn't pay for the privilege of joining this forum, I take the easy way out and read them no farther than the title. Just relax. It's all in the spirit of revelry.
It'd take quite a while to empty your bank account at two bucks a pop which is almost as good as filling it. I don't have a boss right now. Well, on second thought, maybe I do and if she caught me seducing beautiful women my next shave would be performed by a mortician. Hell, even if I didn't get caught I'd probably have a heart attack and if I didn't I'd probably come down with amnesia or be sued by that beautiful woman for fraud.
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