It Rocks!...PERIOD. That is all.
For a mass produced beer it's pretty good, but it's not even in the ballpark of the top beers.
For a mass produced beer it's pretty good, but it's not even in the ballpark of the top beers.
I'm going through two cases of Andechs Doppelbock at the moment. It's *SUCH* a nice beer!
The one time I tried Amberbock I didn't care for it. I felt that it was a poor imitation of Shiner Bock, which I only rarely get to drink since I'm in Oregon. On the other hand, my son did bring be back two cases of Shiner Bock from a recent trip to Texas...
You're in Oregon screwing around with Shiner Bock!? If I were in your shoes, I'd be wollowing in Henry Weinharts Dark bliss for the rest of my life. When I lived up that way, I seldom drank anything else. What a great beer.
You realize we in the States can't get Andechs?
I'm going to have to agree with Tim on this one. For mass produced it is good.
Actually my favorite Henry's brew is their Belgian Wheat...
More factory do know Oregon is home to many of the US's finest brewers, don't you? From Deschuttes to Bridgeport to Widmer to Hair of the Dog...
(my top Oregon beer? Black Butte Porter, from Deschuttes).
Hmm, this comes off stronger than I'd intended. Let's just say Oregon is to beer as Hawaii is to fruit & seafood--hard to go wrong there, and I miss the great, great beers of OR.