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Having found and enjoying this forum I have ventured into the world DE shaving. Gillette slim, 2 EJ89L's, 2 Silvertip brushes etc etc.

I like taking my time shaving and enjoy the prep before shaving and the after shave rituals, alum, witch hazel, bay rum and so on.

This morning I was running late and as I was putting the lather on my face I looked at the DE and right next to it was my Mach5 cartridge.

Hmmm I grab the Mach5 and do everything the same as if I was using a DE. It was comfortable and much faster.

I am not saying I wont use my DE but how many of you guys do the whole DE ritual but will use a modern cartridge instead of a DE?

Bobby A
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This is why I shave at night - I always have time for the DE.

That said, everything else that comes with wetshaving (the prep, the lather, etc) will help no matter what razor you use.
there are people on this forum that use cartridges.

I do, sometimes.

Example: On Saturday morning I had to be somewhere really early and I didn't feel like getting up. I used KMF without a brush and an Atra, and did only one pass.

On Sunday morning I had more time, but I'm always distracted by my wife's preparations for church at the sink next to me. I lathered GFT with a brush, did the first pass with an Atra, and then did a second pass with my Slim adjustable.

This morning I lathered up a soap and did the whole shave with my Slim.

So, in the past three days, I've done a pure DE shave with a shaving soap, a half-DE shave with a lathering cream, and a full cartridge shave with a non-lathering cream.

All good shaves, by the way.:thumbup1:
I think, if I had to skip the rituals, I'd skip shaving on that particular day. Shaving makes me feel good. I don't skip it often.
I think, if I had to skip the rituals, I'd skip shaving on that particular day. Shaving makes me feel good. I don't skip it often.

I am not saying I skipped the rituals, in fact I like them a lot and are part of the reason for getting interested in 'old school ' shaving.

The only thing different was using a cartridge when in a rush as opposed to a DE.

At least for me, I don't have to be as 'careful' when using a cartridge as opposed to a DE and can shave a lot faster when the situation calls for it.

Bobby A
There is something about the whole procedure, ritual if you will, that I look forward to every morning. I just like the process and presentation of the daily grooming. It starts the day on a great note. In many cases, I lay out the kit I will use in the morning the night before. Having said that, I do own some aftermarket handles for trac II cartridges that I enjoy using from time. On the occasion that I do, I prep the same way and do the same procedures. The most important thing is to do what you enjoy and provides you with great pleasurable shaves.

Enjoy your shaves,

I am under a week of DE shaving, but I think that some folks make it tougher than it needs to be.

I like the meditation of the prep and I don't find the shave difficult or problematic at all.

I hit my face on the down stroke, lather again (all of 5 seconds) and hit it on the upstroke.

Boom, done, and I am finding that my shave last all day.

I was dang near terrified after doing all the reading I did prior to jumping in...and then it struck me. The DE men we are trying to emulate were true manly men. I doubt they gave it as much thought as we do in this day and age. Dad showed them how to shave, they listened about as well as any young man listens to his dad, tried it their way, got tired of getting cut and then did it their dad's way as best as they remember.

It's truly not complicated and I find that its "green" and traditional...both appealing.
I used the Sensor for quite awhile before switching back to a DE. Think the most important move I made to getting a better shave was switching from goo to brush and cream/soap. Switched back to the DE because through the forum I found where I could get good blades. Believe that my Sensor gave a good shave, but with the DE I feel more like I have really shaved - if that makes sense!
The Mach 5 was Speed Racer's car :thumbup:

The proper prep and lather can go a long way to improving the shave of cartridges too. If you're not experiencing irritation from the multi-blade, then they are definitely an option.

The main benefit from DE (for me anyway) is the lack of irritation, and the cost of the blades. I always experienced a big drop-off in shave quality from cartridges after 3-5 shaves. About the same as a good DE blade.

Why use a $2-4 cart when I can get the same quality and number of shaves from a $0.40 Feather?

The only reason is for speed.I keep a few Sensors and Mach 3 carts around for when I gotta have a 2 minute shave.

Ok, I deserve that : )

There are a lot of grizzled veterans here, take it easy on the noob willya?

Bobby A

No seriously, I don't think there is such a thing as "Mach5". Did you mean Mach 3 or the Fusion (Or is there, indeed, a Mach 5?)

In answer to your question, I had been using a Mach 3 but otherwise engaging in the "ritual" until 2 weeks ago when I decided that I was tired of spending 5X as much money for the cartridges. My switch was as a simple protest/cost cutting measure, but I have to say that I don't spend that much more time and I am already getting shaves that are at least as good as with the cartridge, albeit with a few nicks in the process. I'm confident that the nicks will disappear as my technique improves.

I AM spending a little bit more time in prepping, but that is due to me finally learning the proper way to create a lather.
After shaving with Sensor 2 and 3 for many years, brush lathering the whole time, and switching to DE in March of this year, I find that the cartridges allow for more aggressive and effective shaving in the hard to reach places like under the jaw and chin.

The DE's give a closer and longer lasting shave on the prominent shaving surfaces; cheeks, upper chin, moustache, etc.

The ideal shave for me is a three pass DE shave with a Sensor touch-up on the jawline and under the chin. But it somehow feels like cheating. The expensive Sensor cartridge should last for several weeks of that limited use while the cheaper DE blades serve as the workhorses, discarding after 2-3 shaves.

Cartridges also allow for non-lathered wet touch-up. DE's can burn if you attempt a non-lathered touch-up with them, even with a wet face/blade.
No seriously, I don't think there is such a thing as "Mach5". Did you mean Mach 3 or the Fusion (Or is there, indeed, a Mach 5?)

In answer to your question, I had been using a Mach 3 but otherwise engaging in the "ritual" until 2 weeks ago when I decided that I was tired of spending 5X as much money for the cartridges. My switch was as a simple protest/cost cutting measure, but I have to say that I don't spend that much more time and I am already getting shaves that are at least as good as with the cartridge, albeit with a few nicks in the process. I'm confident that the nicks will disappear as my technique improves.

I AM spending a little bit more time in prepping, but that is due to me finally learning the proper way to create a lather.

The nicks will indeed disappear with time, i hardly ever get any nowadays, but i have been wetshaving for a while now so maybe my face is becoming leathery.
I am under a week of DE shaving, but I think that some folks make it tougher than it needs to be.

I like the meditation of the prep and I don't find the shave difficult or problematic at all.

I hit my face on the down stroke, lather again (all of 5 seconds) and hit it on the upstroke.

Boom, done, and I am finding that my shave last all day..

You're either lucky, good, or just have different standards of what a good shave is. If I did what you do, I'd quickly end up with weepers and burn all over my face. To successfully get a close shave without irritation I need 3 very carefully choreographed passes.
You're either lucky, good, or just have different standards of what a good shave is.

Well, life has taught me that I'm not usually as good as I think...LOL, so I will go with lucky. I don't actually hold my face next to a baby's butt, but I go for smooth, no blood, and good enough to last through the evening if I have lodge or speaking engagements after my desk job is done.
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