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Always good to have an alternative

Read this recently somewhere online….

“Two NYC-based Democrats, Assemblyman Zohran Kwame Mamdani and NYC council member Tiffany Cabán, have collaborated on a “public safety resource guide” distributed to small businesses, which urges constituents not to call the police and instead, use “better ways of solving problems … every time a challenge arises.”

In the event of a “conflict that appears to be escalating,” the guide recommends giving “the person causing harm the chance to correct their behavior,” and saying “no,” “stop” or “that is not okay.” “Repeat the same statement until the person causing harm corrects their behavior or exits (ex. ‘Have a good day!’).” If “naming the behavior” doesn’t work, another option is distracting the “person causing harm,” with a suggested script of, “Hey, didn’t I go to high school with you?”
……gotta love the Game Plan B concept😁
I worked with a well-educated "goth" lawyer in the 1980s, who had a "death-clock" in his office and greeted everyone entering with "pray-for-death". Me thinks he may have been ahead of his time.
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