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Alum. grows?

I purchased an alum block several months ago and I swear it has grown. I always use the same parts of the block and store it in the same position when I get done. This results in a surface that is rough and all but unusable. But I have noticed that the portion that I use has, instead of shrinking, gotten bigger. Is that normal?

Hey, I don't really have an amswer ecexpt that its possible that when you set it down, little microscopic bits melt off and aquire on that side. On another note, I have been using a razorrock style alum....and I have been using it 5 times a week for a year and I don't think it's worn down at all. Hey at least it lasts right! LOL
Are you drying it off and putting it in an airtight container after use?I was told it will melt or get deformed if It's not dried off or sealed after using it.
The alum block is slightly porous. Any water that seeps into the pores and/or that gets left on the surface will dissolve a small amount of alum. When the water evaporates, the dissolved alum recrystalizes. These new crystals grow out from the surface, not unlike these salt crystals forming on a dry lake bed (although on a smaller scale):


Different alum blocks will show this effect differently, depending on how porous they are, how much water gets left on them, and whether or not they're stored in an airtight container. Styptic pencils will also behave in the same way; my alum block is pretty pristine in its container, but my styptic pencil is getting pretty rough out on the shelf.
@Badgerfat They do last.

I am drying it off, but did not know about the air tight container. Thanks
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