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Alum Block

Does anyone here use an Alum bloc to tone after shaving ? I have heard they are very good to close the pores?
Many guys here do, and they work quite well.

Another thing that you can use them for is to help you evaluate your technique. When you have a rough shave, the burn can be intense. When you've done a great job of managing your angles, it is quite pleasant.
I use one after each shave. Like the poster above me said, it helps you evaluate your technique. It can have a sting to it if your form is lacking.

It is very similar to witch hazel to me in the way that it tones the skin. The block does seem to seal small nicks and cuts better though.

I picked mine up from a nearby Indian grocery store. It was only 2.50--much cheaper than most vendors sell them.
I use one after each shave. It is like Richmondesi said. If you used good technique, it is pleasant. If the shave was rough, you will get quite the wake up.:w00t:
I started using one just after christmas. I like it a lot- and I'll echo what everyone else has said above. The one thing I do find (and it doesn't really bother me), is it seems almost like I've got a very fine layer of salt on my face afterwards. Like a day on the ocean.
I started using one just after christmas. I like it a lot- and I'll echo what everyone else has said above. The one thing I do find (and it doesn't really bother me), is it seems almost like I've got a very fine layer of salt on my face afterwards. Like a day on the ocean.

Yes, that's why most guys that I've discussed this with rinse off that residual stuff after their cleanup is complete
I use it after every shave. Like was said above, it really lets you know if you haven't shaved well.
My routine is a cold water rinse followed by the alum, wait 5 mins and then another cold water rinse, witch hazel and ASB. This works well for me.

+1 on the above posts. The alum block is excellent for the skin, I use it after every shave.

The block is antiseptic and is also good to use anytime. :w00t: :001_tongu
I've recently started using one and I like it. I have a shower after using it (I can't get used to shaving after a shower) so I don't have a problem with the residue.
For me the alum block is a terrific shaving tool and a incredible deodorant. Indispensable. How to use properly in my opinion, off course:

- For shaving: After the shave and the cold water rinse, you have to wet the alum in cold water and apply gently the wet Alum all over the shaving area. Wait some minutes, just to feel out? (grammar dude) the itch. Then wash your face twice with cold water, dry softly and apply your favorite After shave. Perfect.:thumbup1:

-Like deodorant: Dry yours armpits, wet the alum in cold water and apply gently the wet Alum. Lets air-dry and apply your favorite deodorant or cologne. It's amazing; at the end of the day smell your shirt and you'll see. :w00t:
I use it after rough shaves with any bit of weeper present if I choose to shave aggressive. It is a must for beginners IMO for a variety of reasons.

many guys here do, and they work quite well.

Another thing that you can use them for is to help you evaluate your technique. When you have a rough shave, the burn can be intense. When you've done a great job of managing your angles, it is quite pleasant.
i also use the alum after every shave. the first time i used it it stung like heck! but after i improved my shaving techniques i noticed that it didnt burn anymore. so for me, it helped me learn what areas i was irritating more. plus it makes the skin feel nice and tite after, especialy after sum pinaud bay rum! its like fire water!!:scared:
I look forward to using and alum block. I've been trying to find one locally, but have come up empty. The next time I'm at Subway I'm going to ask the Indian owners where the local Indian grocery store is located.
+1 on all

Easiest availability is about $2-$3 for a Thai Stick deodorant stone. If your local grocer doesn't have it a health food store will.

Not sure if Walgreens is carrying them or not.

The cheesy label peels off and leaves a residue-free plastic case making it very travel friendly.

Alum stone works as after-shave, styptic, deodorant, and a host of other things (from canchre sore treatment to all kinds of stuff, seriously) so it really makes a great travel item. Plus it's dirt cheap and the little stones last for freaking ever.

One of my favorite finds since shaving.
Does anyone here use an Alum bloc to tone after shaving ? I have heard they are very good to close the pores?

It works quite well for me - just make sure you don't overpay. I think QED sells them for $4 apiece, just be sure to stock up on lots of goodies because shipping is $7.50 minimum.
yup gotta agree with the sentiments of all of the above, although my ritual is shave, rinse, alum, pat dry then moisturise. works for me but 'horses for courses'.
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