Does anyone here use an Alum bloc to tone after shaving ? I have heard they are very good to close the pores?
I started using one just after christmas. I like it a lot- and I'll echo what everyone else has said above. The one thing I do find (and it doesn't really bother me), is it seems almost like I've got a very fine layer of salt on my face afterwards. Like a day on the ocean.
many guys here do, and they work quite well.
Another thing that you can use them for is to help you evaluate your technique. When you have a rough shave, the burn can be intense. When you've done a great job of managing your angles, it is quite pleasant.
I do the same a saltypete; alum block - cold rinse - with hazel - ASB.
Works a treat for me.
Does anyone here use an Alum bloc to tone after shaving ? I have heard they are very good to close the pores?