My default recommendation for a Feather alternative would be to try the Bic Chrome Platinum although there is far from a consensus opinion there. In fact, a quick search of the forum will demonstrate just how varied the feelings are on these blades.
The most consistent complaint I've seen is that QC is all over the place. Obviously, I have no reason to doubt the reports of my B&B brethren. It may just be that I've been lucky. Like winning some sort of cosmic blade batch bingo, perhaps.
I will say that I've used them for years now and find them to be roughly equivalent to a Feather in sharpness, especially after the first shave. I also enjoy that they have no wax residue.
Maybe you'll like them too. Nothing a quick blade sample won't sort out.
The most consistent complaint I've seen is that QC is all over the place. Obviously, I have no reason to doubt the reports of my B&B brethren. It may just be that I've been lucky. Like winning some sort of cosmic blade batch bingo, perhaps.
I will say that I've used them for years now and find them to be roughly equivalent to a Feather in sharpness, especially after the first shave. I also enjoy that they have no wax residue.
Maybe you'll like them too. Nothing a quick blade sample won't sort out.