OK i know i have touched on this subject on a previous thread i posted but just wondering if anyone uses aloe vera gel as a preshave or a post shave, i got myself a tube of the stuff and its really soothing.
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OK i know i have touched on this subject on a previous thread i posted but just wondering if anyone uses aloe vera gel as a preshave or a post shave, i got myself a tube of the stuff and its really soothing.
OK i know i have touched on this subject on a previous thread i posted but just wondering if anyone uses aloe vera gel as a preshave or a post shave, i got myself a tube of the stuff and its really soothing.
I use it from time to time.
A have a gel that is basically stabilized AV with some glycerin added.
Perfect as an AS Balm!
Well, its a brand called "Forever Living Products"Where did you get the av with glycerin?
Well, its a brand called "Forever Living Products"
It's sold in Sweden & rather common around here.
I have no idea if it is sold elsewhere.
They have a whole line of products, all based on Aloe Vera.
Aloe Vera works very well, you can also get the gel with added vitamin E which is good for soothing irritated skin.
Thanks Honed, i have heard of that company online i will check it out.
I googled it & I saw that they sell in many countries.
So if you want to try it, you could probably find it around your parts aswell or a tleast order it home from the web.
To be more precise, this is the stuff I'm using
Well, its a brand called "Forever Living Products"
It's sold in Sweden & rather common around here.
I have no idea if it is sold elsewhere.
They have a whole line of products, all based on Aloe Vera.