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Aloe vera gel

OK i know i have touched on this subject on a previous thread i posted but just wondering if anyone uses aloe vera gel as a preshave or a post shave, i got myself a tube of the stuff and its really soothing.
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OK i know i have touched on this subject on a previous thread i posted but just wondering if anyone uses aloe vera gel as a preshave or a post shave, i got myself a tube of the stuff and its really soothing.

I have thought of using it as an AS, but never have tried it. I suppose it is because it has no scent. Maybe I will give it a go.
We have an aloe plant at our house, and the gel is most certainly very helpful with sunburn, no reason it shouldn't help razor burn!
I haven't used any aloe, but if I were too I'd use it as a post shave to take care of any irritation. Since it has no smell I'd let it absorb for a few, and then apply whatever AS or cologne I wanted. :thumbup1:
OK i know i have touched on this subject on a previous thread i posted but just wondering if anyone uses aloe vera gel as a preshave or a post shave, i got myself a tube of the stuff and its really soothing.

i AM quoting my own post but bare with me, i have just had my morning shave usual prep, lathered with my mwf (my favourite soap at the moment) two passes and then i would do touch ups on the rough bits,but this morning instead of lathering those sandy patches i decided to lightly smear some of the aloe vera gel on out of curiosity, guess what................... silky smooth, i mean silky,no irritation or redness just bbs, someone on the forum may well have tried this already, if so perhaps they could tell me if there are any long term drawbacks with doing this. I know this was only one time but i was very pleasantly surprised, btw it will never replace my lovely morning lather experience but it could certainly help on those mornings when i am feeling a bit sensitive.
I use it from time to time.
A have a gel that is basically stabilized AV with some glycerin added.
Perfect as an AS Balm!
Aloe Vera works very well, you can also get the gel with added vitamin E which is good for soothing irritated skin.
Where did you get the av with glycerin?
Well, its a brand called "Forever Living Products"
It's sold in Sweden & rather common around here.
I have no idea if it is sold elsewhere.
They have a whole line of products, all based on Aloe Vera.
I've had some experience with aloe vera. gel, Ivan. I used it for many years after shaving when I was using a Mach III. I found it very soothing. I believe it also has helped keep my skin healthier. The only time I didn't use it was when I needed more moisturizing. Then I used Neutrogena for Sensitive Skin. The aloe is great for a/s, and yes, it's also great for sunburn.

I used it many times as an alternative to the Neutrogena Gel shaving cream, especially when traveling. The only down side I saw was it had a tendency to clog the MIII cartridge when I didn't rinse often enough. That shouldn't be a problem with a DE or straight.
Thanks Randy, i was wondering if it could be used instead of lather and you have given a clear answer,when you did use it were there any irritation problems or blocked pores?
Well, its a brand called "Forever Living Products"
It's sold in Sweden & rather common around here.
I have no idea if it is sold elsewhere.
They have a whole line of products, all based on Aloe Vera.

Thanks Honed, i have heard of that company online i will check it out.

I managed to get mine from Holland & Barrett, it's "Aloe Pura - Aloe Vera Gel with Antioxidant Vitamins A,C and E", they also do Tea Tree.
I use aloe vera gel regularly. I use Thayers witch hazel first, then after it drys, aloe vera gel, just a little to coat the skin. While I let it dry, I get ready to go to work, and then 5 minutes before I leave, I splash on some more Thayers, which helps with the "gumminess" of the aloe. This combo. works very nicely for me.
Well, its a brand called "Forever Living Products"
It's sold in Sweden & rather common around here.
I have no idea if it is sold elsewhere.
They have a whole line of products, all based on Aloe Vera.

If you like the product, just buy it.
I will never buy from them...

Forever Living Products is an MLM company.

Just google and find lots of articles like "aloe vera from FLP contains 90 % water" and "FLP is like a pyramid"
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