Does anyone know of a list/website that indexes the relative cost of alcohol by state? It's something that might be handy to have when traveling. Here in Alabama, we get what the ABC board decides we can have and we pay a pretty hefty premium over a lot of other states due to the tax. I try and stop at stores while traveling to see if it's significantly cheaper. I'm talking spirits here and not beer or wine.
On a side note, when I went to college in Missouri a roommate of mine had a girlfriend whose parents lived in Indiana. They used to bring back cases of Anheuser-Busch products in heavy tall boy bottles for real cheap. We were able to decrease our cost by another third when we turned the bottles back in. The good old days.
On a side note, when I went to college in Missouri a roommate of mine had a girlfriend whose parents lived in Indiana. They used to bring back cases of Anheuser-Busch products in heavy tall boy bottles for real cheap. We were able to decrease our cost by another third when we turned the bottles back in. The good old days.