First DE shave ever today! My daughter woke up at 4:30 and I couldn't go back to sleep after helping her get back to sleep, so I started with my shave at about 5 am. I got out my awesome starter kit that I purchased from blzrfn (thanks, Dave!) and went to work.
Preshave: Shower with 2 minute face wash and hot rinse.
Gear: 40s style Super Speed, Astra Superior Platinum (new), Omega boar brush, Palmolive shave stick
Lather: I haven't yet grated the Palmolive stick down and fit it in a bowl, so I just face lathered today. I noticed that I had to apply more soap to my face with each pass because the brush didn't hold enough to continue. Is this normal for face lathering?
Shave: 3 passes: WTG, WTG, XTG, followed by a cold rinse. I was very apprehensive about this first shave because from the get go, I cut my palm loading the blade (opened the blade packaging and tried to open the razor with the other instead of putting the blade down ).Aftershave: Alcohol-based Gillette stuff - only a mild tingling sensation, which I think is what I could expect with any shave.
Summary: No nicks/weepers, only 2 small bumps on my neck that experienced minor irritation! After putting that razor to my face for the first time with a blade in it, I was almost certain I'd end up with a bloody face when the shave was over.
Verdict: Overall, I feel like it was a success, and I am confident for my next shave. My skin is slightly irritated from the shave because that blade is so sharp, so I'll probably allow 2 days between shaves for a while. Thanks to all who helped make it a success with their forum posts and reviews and especially blzrfn for the starter kit!
Preshave: Shower with 2 minute face wash and hot rinse.
Gear: 40s style Super Speed, Astra Superior Platinum (new), Omega boar brush, Palmolive shave stick
Lather: I haven't yet grated the Palmolive stick down and fit it in a bowl, so I just face lathered today. I noticed that I had to apply more soap to my face with each pass because the brush didn't hold enough to continue. Is this normal for face lathering?
Shave: 3 passes: WTG, WTG, XTG, followed by a cold rinse. I was very apprehensive about this first shave because from the get go, I cut my palm loading the blade (opened the blade packaging and tried to open the razor with the other instead of putting the blade down ).Aftershave: Alcohol-based Gillette stuff - only a mild tingling sensation, which I think is what I could expect with any shave.
Summary: No nicks/weepers, only 2 small bumps on my neck that experienced minor irritation! After putting that razor to my face for the first time with a blade in it, I was almost certain I'd end up with a bloody face when the shave was over.
Verdict: Overall, I feel like it was a success, and I am confident for my next shave. My skin is slightly irritated from the shave because that blade is so sharp, so I'll probably allow 2 days between shaves for a while. Thanks to all who helped make it a success with their forum posts and reviews and especially blzrfn for the starter kit!