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Ahhhh What A Tease, Oh The Humanity

So I have a fellow member in town, and we went in on an orde from 4noggins, and today my "candle making supplies" showed up


but only half of two of them are mine, i want to try a bunch of stuff before i start getting into a lot of full tins of stuff, the dunhill night cap
and the 3 oaks syrian were my selections to the mix, but its all just sitting there, untouched and smelled or smoked staring at me, teasing me, calling to me

so i sent a text and havent heard back yet,..... man this is killing me as if waiting for the post isnt hard enough its here, in my hands waiting, and waiting

lmao, i really wanted to get a wiff of the latikatika(on tablet dont wanna google or get off couch to spell right)

oh the humanity, Oh Bacco Brother, where art thou,... I feel the need, the need to ohh try
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Open and try all of them, then tell him you spit in all of the tins. Tell him you couldn't help yourself after your woman left you and now all you can do is thumbcock your .357 and dare the next sumbitch with an attitude to test your patience. He probably won't go in on a group buy with you again, but you'll come out on top.
Hmmmm unless he owns him a shotgun then the whole thing could backfire, but it may be worth a try... as long as he doesn't read this first I may have to actually lick the tins


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I am having a bowl of Escudo as I type with a bit of scotch. Very nice!
Lol well i couldnt wait myself, i had to grab a pinch of the 3 oaks, All them tins that are not mine im sure will keep my partner in crime a happy boy so im sure he wont mind, and all i can say is wow ive been smoking the wrong stuff....

No gurgle at all, lite once at the beginning smokes fairly (and by that i mean "way to") fast but it stayed cool and dry, and it did go out once, i was outside and when i got to the window ledge to grab my lighter i realized why it went out, there was nothing but ash left, i have yet to do that with any of the other things i have had

this was a great smoke, i enjoyed its room notes, and the taste i got off of it,... its to bad i have to give half of it up lol i cant wait to try out some more stuff and Kentos i enjoyed mine with a little glenfiddich 15 and i enjoyed every minute of it !
I just totally licked your tins !, Jason (Jmallen) you have a boom stick i can borrow lol

i only had a pinch, and sorry to say it came out of your half by accident lmao
As caretaker of your joint purchase, I believe it is your duty to test everything and make sure that you were not sold a bad bill of goods.
lmao, well i almost had too,... but we met tonight, only briefly as we had things to do tonight, but I have some things to post about soon, as does Karls nostrils too,... man i cant wait to smoke me some catsup !
Yeah, I'll post up some thoughts on the stuff as I smoke them. Just quickly, last night I had a bowl of Beacon Extra and Nightcap. Immediate fan of Nightcap. Beacon Extra, for a Perique heavy VaPer, didn't wow me like I thought it would. It was very good, and I loved that the ketchup/BBQ sauce/vinegar aspect came through in the smoke a little bit (Man, does that McClelland tin ever smell wild?!?), but I didn't get a whole bunch of Perique in it. Solani 633 gives me more noticeable Perique. I probably just have to learn its secrets and idiosyncrasies before I fall for it, like I did with 633. Tonight I'm smoking 3 Oaks Syrian and Red Rapparee back-to-back as they're both oriental heavy baccys. Tomorrow it will be the two VaPers, Escudo and Beacon Extra together. Then I'll pair Nightcap with some Ashton Artisan's Blend, as the Ashton is supposedly a decent NC alternative. I've only had one bowl of NC so far, but I don't find it very similar to Artisan's Blend. We'll see side-by-side.
Ive tried the nightcap, and the red rapparre, so fay the 3 oaks is still my favourite, as its the creamiest of them, has a mouth filling feeling to it that smokes cool and smooth, but the nightcap was by no means unliked, was a great way to cap off that night
Open and try all of them, then tell him you spit in all of the tins. Tell him you couldn't help yourself after your woman left you and now all you can do is thumbcock your .357 and dare the next sumbitch with an attitude to test your patience. He probably won't go in on a group buy with you again, but you'll come out on top.

Love it !!
I guess with a plan like that, there is no need for a plan B
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