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Agreeing to Like and Dislike Blades

Now before you all tell me, lol, I fully realize a man's double edge blade preference is completely individual and personal. That being said, I believe there seem to be agreeing parties if you will. For example, some hate Wilkinson Swords, I on the other hand think they are wonderful blades and are one of my favorites. They seem to last forever, to others, not so much.

Now, this may be caused by countless factors, razors, hair growth, hair thickness/coarseness, razors, but I think regardless of these factors, there are still for the most part groups who like and dislike certain blades in agreement.
I have a theory that I will likely be fond of the same blades as another individual who likes Wilkinson Swords also (for example.) And dislike the same blades as said individual.

So I thought it would be both interesting and useful for us all to share what blades we like and dislike
along with the razors used and which the blade is best in (if known).
If this proves true it may influence purchasing decisions, not that I am against trying all the blades out there lol.

I am very eager to hear from you all! :) Thank you!!
some hate Wilkinson Swords, I on the other hand think they are wonderful blades and are one of my favorites.

Wilkinson Sword are probably my favourite, they work great in everything, particularly EJ 89 and Gillette New.
I also like Feather(Slim and Tech), Astra SP(EJ89) and Persona Blue(EJ and Tech).

I dislike Dorco and Derby, find everything else I've tried useable but not good enough that I would buy a 100 pack or anything.
I like Personna Reds and Polsilver Super Iridiums.
Perma-Sharp and Personna Meds are also very good.
Don't like any of the 7 o'clocks. Hate Astra.
I like your theory there and I happen to agree with it.
Wally-World-Wilks are so far by favorites. I also do well with Derbys and ok-ish with Dorcos.
Astras destroy my face!
My like blades are the Personna Med and Lab blades. The one I don't like is the Gillette blacks. For some reason, the blacks are the ONLY blade that irritates my neck and yet others love them.
I absolutely love my Edwin Jagger. It seems to have the perfect angle with every blade. The Wilkinson Sword is a beautiful match. And I too am not a huge fan of Derby's.. I have feather's on the way and I am looking into the Astra and Persona! I think we are on the same blade boat haha
My top five:
1. Feather I go away, and every time I come back, I remember why I like these so much.
2. Gillette 7 O'Clock Blacks. Not quite as sharp, to me, as Feathers, but more forgiving
3. Personna Blue (Labs) even more forgiving but still gives a great shave
The above are my regular rotation but I also like:
4. Crystal Used to be in my top three. Got nudged out by the Blacks.
5. Astra SPs A strong blade for any razor. Great all-around...but there are better.

I'm not real fond of Derbys. The only blade that tore up my face was Kai.
I like Walmart Wilkies, Perma-Sharp super and Astra SP
Don't like Dorco 300, Derbys or Sharks.
So far in my blade trial period I dislike WS but like Israeli Personnas.
This will probably change as I work through my sample pack.
Memory being what it is, very much like hindsight; I wish they'd bring back the UK made Wilkinsons, they went down hill when they stopped making swords for officers in HM forces.
So far:
I like Bic Chrome Platinum and Treet Black Beauties (they'd be higher if they weren't one-and-done).

I dislike Dorco-300 and Sharp Hi-Chromium Durablades.
I'm a feather and 7 o'clock guy.

BUT feathers must be respected. What people say is right. They ARE the sharpest blades out there. I didn't believe everyone, but after a week or so of shaving, I found out. The hard way.

I found that Feathers will find ANY imperfection on my face - imperfections that THOUSANDS of other blades and shaves never found, and "expose" them. I had to learn to apply MUCH less pressure than normal with those blades and especially when they are in certain razors. Some feather/razor combo - can be dangerous.

My worst "bad experience" with feathers was in a Futur. I got a perfect shave with the razor on 1. PERFECT! I thought, so I thought I'd get cocky and open her up to 4 or 5 the next time. BIG mistake. That razor is a beast on anything above 3. I'd like to meet the man that can shave with the Futur on 6 and a new feather blade! Just jokin' - but that is a crazy combo! The weight of the Futur was something to get used to as well. Love the razor though. That is a 7 O'clock razor for me from then on. Live and learn.

I could actually see feathers discouraging new shavers, when not properly trained or practiced.
I like Feather, Kai, Iridium Super, Supermax Sunrise, Permasharp Super, and WalMart Wilkies. I also like Bic Chrome Platinum and Astra SS, but not so much the Astra SPs. Red Personnas are OK, but I don't get the fuss about the Med Preps or Labs. Oh, and Treet Classics are underappreciated. I only get two shaves, but they feel almost like Feathers for those two shaves.

Dislike Dorcos of any ilk.
So far in my limited experience

#1Gllitte silver blues a great shave in my 38b with no burn and a bbs in a 2 pass shave
#2 Poli iridiums
#3 Merkur super stainless

#1 Astras cant stand them they burn my face up
-Gillette 7 O'clock Yellow. SHARP but smooth.
-Personna Med prep. Not as sharp, but smoother.
-Treet carbon steel. For a one and done shave, they are CHEAP!

-Feather. GREAT first shave, but after that its a face wrecking blade and dulls.
-Derby. OUCH!
-Astra SP: see Derby.
-Personna Red. not sharp enough.

I have PolSilver Super Iridium to try out. I have high hopes, if they beat 7 O'clock Yellow, I will order 100 :)
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