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Aggressive Razors

I am currently shaving with a Dreadnought DE. It's my first DE and I've had it for about 4 months now. The issue I'm finding is that the razor is very timid. I have to really adjust and buff areas because the blade is housed so far into the razor. I would like to try a more aggressive razor, but I won't spend a lot. Any suggestions? I currently use feather blades (I bounce between feather and trig). Any suggestions would be very helpful.
I would suggest an adjustable. Many vintage adjustables can be had pretty cheap. You could also try adding a few shims, which would be free. In the end you will find that the more you shave, the less the razor determines the shave. You will get the same shaves from mild or aggressive razors.
I would suggest an adjustable. Many vintage adjustables can be had pretty cheap. You could also try adding a few shims, which would be free. In the end you will find that the more you shave, the less the razor determines the shave. You will get the same shaves from mild or aggressive razors.

cant agree more
merkur futur is a nice razor more aggressive than my fatboy
or perhaps you can always switch to a straight
If you're into vintage Gillette razors, an Old Type or a bar handle NEW are both on the aggressive side.
Gillette slim or SA, or a gillette new. They are great razors, and if you don't like them, they have great resale value, so you shouldn't lose any more than shipping.
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