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Aftershave help

I'm looking to get another aftershave, and currently use Clubman. I like the way Clubman feels on my skin, so anything like it would be great. I like woodsy smells, lavender, and some citrus. I'm looking at DR Harris Marlborough. What do you guys recommend?
I like Skin Bracer. It has that same indefinable "barber shop" smell to it. And the scent is not strong, so you can use a lot. And it fades, so it's not like a cologne. It has a little bit of menthol in it for a cooling sensation.
I agree with the Speick, its awesome stuff and tops in my rotation. I would also look at the proraso. It doesn't quite hit the scents you are looking for, but its a great healer and the price point is right. If you wanna spend a bit more money the Myrsol line of products are amazing and the glass bottles add a great vintage look. I recomend the F/extra or the aqua di limon!
My brothers, being fortunate to read these august pages prior to my 2nd honeymoon in France, I was able to score original Aqua Velva in the glass bottle. It's a great product. Next was the Musgo Real-this is top drawer too, but costs 3X what the others are. Krampert's (Bay Rum) and RazoRock (Lime) are excellent more frugal options. Then there is the grandaddy of them all...Old Spice. Fishing on the 'bay scored a vintage ship's bell with 6 ounces for $8. The Spieck aftershave balm is my go to for a cream, my wife raves about it (because of the lavender I bet).
Old Spice. The P&G formula shares the floral/powdery background like clubman. Different scents, but there is the background that is similar...to my nose!

The Glass bottles of P&G Old Spice smell better, to me, than the current production plastic bottles, but I like both just the same!
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