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After shave then witch hazel mixed with a baum?

After shaving and splashing cold water on one's face, will the following work ok?And in this order.

Apply CLUBMAN'S AFTER SHAVE LOTION followed by a dab of BAUM mixed with WITCH HAZEL.

I know guys use different methods, but could you please respond to my sequence of application as stated above.
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For me it's a post-shave rinse then I pat my face dry. Next comes the WH, and after that dries I might apply a balm or my choice of aftershave with a blob of 444 gel mixed in.
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After shaving and splashing cold water on one's face, will the following work ok?And in this order.

Apply CLUBMAN'S AFTER SHAVE LOTION followed by a dab of BAUM mixed with WITCH HAZEL.

I know guys use different methods, but could you please respond to my sequence of application as stated above.

Doesn't sound bad other then the fact people usually put the lotion on LAST, you don't put Witch Hazel on lotion.
I would think that applying witch hazel BEFORE any balms/lotions would be the most effective. The whole point of the witch hazel is that it works as an astringent (constricts blood vessels / pores) and "sanitizes" the area. If you apply it after other AS products, I'd imagine that it would just kind of sit on top of those and not really go to work on your face. I'd say witch hazel THEN aftershave balm / lotions (in my experience only one is necessary, plus I try to stay away from lotions as I find them too oily).

I have sensitive combination skin (dry initially, then oily later), and my process goes like this:

  1. get out of shower
  2. shave (straight razor - 2 passes WTG then XTG, usually) using white Proraso sensitive skin soap and cold water
  3. rinse in cold water, pat face dry, apply Nivea Replenishing aftershave balm (small alcohol content, no noticeable sting + VERY moisturizing)
  4. if I've nicked myself anywhere, use a q-tip to apply 90% distilled witch hazel (STINGS something fierce), immediately cover with a small square of toilet paper
Using this process my skin feels very soothed after I shave, and any nicks clot up fast, possibly to be reopened the next day. I'm a bit obsessive/compulsive with my shaving. :glare:

Good luck!
+1 on the above two posts as most folks use the Witch Hazel on after the cold water and then the balm or aftershave. Good luck.
I rinse face, leave wet and apply witch hazel (for days I use it) and after it dries on it's own I apply aftershave. I might add some Nivea sensitive post shave balm later in the day if my face feels dry.
+1 on the cold rinse, witch hazel, then ASB.

Can anyone comment on throwing an alum block into the mix? I've been trying the above and adding the alum rub right after the cold rinse. Seems to work well.

Finally on the rare occasions where a styptic pencil is needed, at what point do you use it? right after the rinse, or at the very end after the ASB?
I know guys use different methods, but could you please respond to my sequence of application as stated above.
If you know the former then you know the answer to the latter. It works for some and doesn't work for others (i.e. YMMV). If you want to know if it will work for you then, as always, try it and see how it works for you. Typically astringents are applied before moisturizers (i.e. balms).

Can anyone comment on throwing an alum block into the mix?
YMMV as well. When I do use one (rare) it's between the warm and cold rinse. Again, do what works for you.

Finally on the rare occasions where a styptic pencil is needed, at what point do you use it? right after the rinse, or at the very end after the ASB?
Right before the AS. I find too exposure to a lot of liquid seems less effective for me.
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Thanks guys for the info. I got confused because I read on B&B that AFTER SHAVE should be used prior to a BAUM. Thinner liquid before thicker one? So my sequence will be WITCH HAZEL-AFTER SHAVE LOTION-BAUM.
H2O, WH, ASB. Exactly. Then later, before I get dressed for the day, I'll use an aftershave splash or cologne for the scent.
Why exactly are you using each of those products? If you don't have a specific issue or reason to use a product, out it doesn't provide a specific benefit, just don't use it.

And trial and error is the only way to figure that out......
I used witch hazel until I got my hands on an alum block, for me it's less mess and space taken up and does pretty much the same as witch hazel.
Has anyone ever used up an alum block? Or do they just get so small after dropping them in the sink that you have to get a new one?

I "returned to witch hazel" over the weekend. I really like it and I may keep it in the lineup. If they only made unscented.
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