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Advice for us newbies

Hey guys,

I have been lurking around the nib for a few weeks now. I have posted occasionally and have gotten quite a bit of good advice. I even bought my first (well technically 2nd, since I was PIFed a FP about a month ago) FP last week, a pilot metropolitan. I recently bought a few ink samples from goulet and feel like I am ready to go. I have also aquired a pretty strong FPAD that I have been having to fight off.....constantly.

Anyways, I was hoping that those of you who are more experienced in fountain pens could give people such as myself some advice. Mostly, I am looking for the major Dos and Don'ts of fountain pens. What are the things that someone who is knew to fountain pens might not do that they should (in writing, caring for the pen, cleaning, storing....) and what are the things that many people might accidentally do that they shouldn't? I would hate to make a mistake and mess up a pen or not care for it properly. I know its only a $15 pen, but I want it to last for awhile as I add to my collection. Thanks guys!
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