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Advice for new Semogue 620

I just got my 620 yesterday and used it first thing this morning. I have been using a brush with a finest badger knot from The Golden Knib, so this is quite different. I know it will soften up after a while, so I'm not worried about that. I use shaving sticks and face lather, which usually works very well with my badger. This morning, my first pass lather was very dry, even though I dipped the bristle tips in water a few times while lathering. The next two passes were decent, but thinner than I'm used to. Anyone have any advice for a new boar face latherer?
I always face lather. The 620 is too short loft for me. I've only used mine 7 times in a few months. Yes I've heard it would get better if I used it more, but I've gotten to like the feel of other semogues with more loft, or even the omega 31064. It's a me thing. The 620 is definitely nice, but I also found it to be rather dry as you noted. I've heard that will improve too. Wish you well with it! I might even grab for it a few more times just to be fair!
Use more product. Boars need more water til they start to retaining it better.

I face lather with a 620 too. It will come good. Just about the time you are ready to throw it out the window.

It's built into Semogues to take your patience to the limit.
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I just bought a new Semogue 1305. I've been lathering it in my palm every day until it's broken in. Still using the silvertip on my face in the meantime.
I recently went through a break-in regiment with two separate Semogues - the 830 and the 1470. I gave them both a quick bath when I first got them, and then proceeded to lather them both every other day, whether I used them for shaving or not. After two weeks, they were much improved. After a month, even more so - to the point that I felt it was senseless to continue the regiment, and simply use them henceforth.

Based on that, it's my general procedure going forward to break in a boar:

1. Do an initial "break-in" that involves soaking in warm water for 10 minutes, and then washing with Dawn dish soap, followed by a test lather with MWF (combo hat tip to Zach and Ambrose for this break-in approach).

2. Lather with it every other day for 1 month, regardless of whether it's used for a shave, to encourage softening and end splitting.

3. Simply use it as desired going forward.
Lather with it everyday, whether you use it to shave on not. Soak it standing upright with water 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the handle for 5-10mins prior to each use. I also took the wifes hair dryer to it a few times. Mine took along time to break in - longer than the 09 LE - it is my goto brush for shave sticks now.

Be patient, its worth the wait.
Great advise so far. If I might add, after soaking during shower or before shaving, w/ the bristles fully submerged take out of water, hold brush over sink and let it drain. Don't shake or squeeze water out just let drain and go straight to your face. Good luck!
I had the 620 for about two weeks before I sold it off. It's obviously a quality made brush - a really nice piece. But it was too damn scrubby for me. I couldn't handle the scrub! hahaha. I'm also impatient and didn't want to put in the time and energy to break it in. I'm sure once it breaks in it's a really nice brush.
Thanks for all the great advice. I love the backbone on it for face lathering and the size is great for my small face (I'm a wee bit of a lad at 5'3"). I figured it would be uncomfortable before break in, but it felt fine. Definitely not as soft as my well broken in finest badger brush but it felt much better than the pure badger from AOS. I knew going in it would take time to soften up, so I'm not worried about that. I think my mistake was that I gave it about half a solid squeeze before I started to lather with it. I'll take vitaman's advice today and just let the water drain out of it before I start on my face.
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