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Adventures in straight razor shaving

I've been contemplating getting into straight razor shaving for a little while and finally went for it. I received my sight unseen from Larry and will be having my first straight razor shave this weekend. I'm very much looking forward to it, especially after everything I've read on here. Here we go...
My apologies mods for originally putting this in the wrong place. Thank you for moving it.
I've been contemplating doing the same for a while now, even got my sight unseen but haven't taken the jump into straights yet.
I touched the razor to my face a few weeks ago for my first ever shave but it just didn't feel right so immediately put it aside. Haven't used it since.
For some strange reason I thought my hand was getting in my line of sight when I started shaving the right side of my face (I'm a right handed person). I couldn't see what I was shaving.
Was afraid to shave off a piece of my ear:001_tongu:scared:
Anyone experience this strange phenomenon?
I've just been watching YouTube videos of this art since then.
Just jump in! It takes a while to get the angles right and find out how to watch yourself in the mirror, but it's worth it. And don't be to scared about a little blood, the body makes more of it ;)
For some strange reason I thought my hand was getting in my line of sight when I started shaving the right side of my face (I'm a right handed person). I couldn't see what I was shaving.
Was afraid to shave off a piece of my ear:001_tongu:scared:
Anyone experience this strange phenomenon?

This, so far as I'm aware, happens to everyone unless they don't shave their sideburns. I ran into this problem myself and took to the forums to see if there was any solutions and I saw that just about everyone who shaved with a straight admitted to having to overcome this obstacle. Most people seem to just learn to do it by feel whilst others claimed to turn their head and position their hand in a way that affords them a small gap through which they can see. I, on the other hand, use a side mirror (in this case the mirror on the medicine cabinet) to see the side of my face when shaving the sideburns. Of course, this is not an option for everyone and I would probably be in a bit of trouble if I ever found myself in a position where I didn't have access to a side mirror. For now, however, it's been working fine and I have yet to catch my ears. Really, you're just going to have to experiment, practice, and most importantly persevere through the many obstacles you will encounter if you hope to learn to use a straight razor. And, if all else fails, you can always just shave the sideburns with something else and do the rest of your face with a straight until you become more comfortable with its use.
Yeah that does sound good! I can use my DE for touch ups and of course learn to use the straight as I go along.
Side mirror idea too will work in the beginning until I get used to the angles and grip on the razor.
Going to strive through the initial learning period!
My first real straight shave coming up today :D
For some strange reason I thought my hand was getting in my line of sight when I started shaving the right side of my face (I'm a right handed person). I couldn't see what I was shaving.
Was afraid to shave off a piece of my ear:001_tongu:scared:
Anyone experience this strange phenomenon?
I've just been watching YouTube videos of this art since then.

I have big hands and it was an issue with me, too. Just turn your head to the left (for the right side) and to the right (for the left side) and you should be able to see what you are doing. In the end, I believe most of us go by feel. You get a sense of the angle of the blade and where it is after you've practiced a while.

Oh... and be sure to NOT use a spike pointed blade until you have experience (and then abandon the idea altogether). A muted tip or rounded tip will stop you from trimming your ears.

You can try multiple mirrors but that screws me up. I bought a makeup mirror (4x magnification) thinking I needed to see exactly what I was doing. Not so...
Shave #1

Today was the first shave with the straight. At first, I thought I did ok. Very little blood from one or two small nicks. I knew it was not going to be perfect so I just tried to figure out how to hold the razor properly and watch myself in the mirror. I was feeling pretty good so I made 2 WTG passes and 1 XTG and everything seemed great. I cleaned up, stropped the razor, threw on some AS and called it good. That was about an hour ago. Just before I started typing I was in the bathroom and looked in the mirror and WOW is my face red. Tons of irritation all over my neck and even up into my cheek area. I think I was maybe a little too aggressive for my first time. Next time I'm going to stick with one, maybe two passes and that will be it. Even though this didn't turn out exactly how I would have liked, I'm still optimistic about switching to straights.
I will follow this and similar threads with interest. B&B member danjared is gifting me with the generous PIF of a straight razor and strop, and I am trying to educate and psych myself up to try it. I am encouraged to hear about your bloodless and increasingly effective first straight shaves. I was envisioning something much more dire.
Shave #1

Today was the first shave with the straight. At first, I thought I did ok. Very little blood from one or two small nicks. I knew it was not going to be perfect so I just tried to figure out how to hold the razor properly and watch myself in the mirror. I was feeling pretty good so I made 2 WTG passes and 1 XTG and everything seemed great. I cleaned up, stropped the razor, threw on some AS and called it good. That was about an hour ago. Just before I started typing I was in the bathroom and looked in the mirror and WOW is my face red. Tons of irritation all over my neck and even up into my cheek area. I think I was maybe a little too aggressive for my first time. Next time I'm going to stick with one, maybe two passes and that will be it. Even though this didn't turn out exactly how I would have liked, I'm still optimistic about switching to straights.

Patrick, congratulations on your first straight razor shave. You were probably a little too keen going for 3 passes first time in. One WTG pass would have been ideal, finishing off with your usual razor. Don't be afraid to also use your current razor for a week or so until you have settled in to the comfort zone of grip, angles, etc. The learning curve is longer with straights, so take your time.
I will follow this and similar threads with interest. B&B member danjared is gifting me with the generous PIF of a straight razor and strop, and I am trying to educate and psych myself up to try it. I am encouraged to hear about your bloodless and increasingly effective first straight shaves. I was envisioning something much more dire.

Quigg, check out Optometrist's post just after yours. Nothing dire will happen. The worst accidents seem to happen when someone drops the razor and tries to catch it or during honing. Go slowly - no need to rush and claim instant expertise. It will take a while but you will catch on and everything will be pink and rosy.

I did not cut myself with a straight until about the fifth or sixth shave and it was minor - much worse cuts with the DE. Worst straight razor cut was probably with a Kamisori... although I managed to trim a wrinkle with a Feather AC that was somewhat epic. No scars on any of it, though.
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I was unfortunately running a little behind this morning so I didn't get a chance to try shave #2 but I will tomorrow morning. I just got a new (to me anyway) GD in that I will be testing. We'll see how it goes.
I have been SR shaving for three weeks and have yet to do anything but WTG. I tried XTG and cut myself. From some videos I have watched, you can get an excellent SR shave with one WTG pass.
I have been SR shaving for three weeks and have yet to do anything but WTG. I tried XTG and cut myself. From some videos I have watched, you can get an excellent SR shave with one WTG pass.

One WTG pass with a straight easily cuts closer for me than the equivalent pass with a DE.
my hand blocks my vision on the sideburns too, use only my dominant hand to shave with. I tilt my head down for a halfway decent frontal view and go by feel & sound from there.
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