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Adopted a Dog

Picked up a Wade and Butcher Special from Larry's most recent batch of sight half seen razors. Came today. Gonna start with this bad boy while TomJr is working on my Metropolitan.




congrats!..slow n steady when you start...gets easier in time and use...muscle memory will set in then things gets almost automated..hands know what to do...your face will follow the lead...
Nice pic! Makes me want to find some way to add a bit of the original brown paint/tint to the lettering. Maybe a light wash of paint over the area and then wipe off the excess.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Nice pic! Makes me want to find some way to add a bit of the original brown paint/tint to the lettering. Maybe a light wash of paint over the area and then wipe off the excess.

We had some aircraft panels that needed repainting because the legends were hard to read. The lettering was recessed. So, I just painted it with white paint- all over, recesses and flat areas. I then took a damp cloth and gently wiped over it. It took the paint off the flat areas (which are painted black) and left the paint in the recessed lettering. I hope this makes sense.
We had some aircraft panels that needed repainting because the legends were hard to read. The lettering was recessed. So, I just painted it with white paint- all over, recesses and flat areas. I then took a damp cloth and gently wiped over it. It took the paint off the flat areas (which are painted black) and left the paint in the recessed lettering. I hope this makes sense.

Yea, same method I use on the lettering in those Ever Ready handles behind the razor in the first pic.

I am drooling over your restores in the back though. I have one two tone bottom color ER. Looking for the Green and Red constantly. Prices went through the roof on unrestored handles.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Yea, same method I use on the lettering in those Ever Ready handles behind the razor in the first pic.
Good, I hoped I was clear. Those are some nice looking brushes. Were the Ever Ready brushes put out by the same people that put out the Ever Ready 1912 SE razors? If so, I just found something else I have to obtain :biggrin:
Thanks! I have a thread detailing the process here: Three Amigos

I had to watch eBay religiously to nab the red and green after finding the butterscotch in the wild. Ended up with two greens and just sold the extra here two weeks ago.


I am drooling over your restores in the back though. I have one two tone bottom color ER. Looking for the Green and Red constantly. Prices went through the roof on unrestored handles.
Man! You beat me to the punch! When I saw that razor listed, I emailed him immediately, but you had already reserved it.

Well played, sir. Enjoy my razor. ;)
A little birdy had told me when the new SHS razors were going to be up.... >_>

Actually, I emailed Larry and asked if he had any, he said he had some he'd been meaning to post, give hi a couple mins and they'd be up. So I just refreshed and waited. Sorry ;). Did you grab one of the others?

Man! You beat me to the punch! When I saw that razor listed, I emailed him immediately, but you had already reserved it.

Well played, sir. Enjoy my razor. ;)
No need to apologize! I did pick one up. Pretty similar size, square point. Pretty much the same size, just not a W&B. It will be my first full hollow. I am super excited to shave with it.

Also, I was super excited and surprised to hear when he told me that a lot of his vintage razors have never been honed. Ever. It's kind of awesome to think that you're getting a 100 year old razor that has never been used. And not only has it never been used, but Larry was the first to sharpen it. Probably makes you think twice about fishing for something "shave ready" off Ebay.
Ok, finally shaved with the Dog this morning. Either this was a fluke on Larry's part, or I was simply spoiled by the edge that Tom put on my CJ Metropolitan, because shaving with the two was like night and day. The Metro shave on Sunday was nice and smooth WTG, XTG, and ATG. Cut thru 3 days worth of growth like I was just easily scraping off the whiskers.

Today's shave with the Sight Half Seen W&B went ok in the downward WTG pass, but that was the end of it. Trying to go XTG was pretty rough and ATG was simply painful tugging and pulling. Was quite surprised at the performance. I think I'll set this one to the side for now and continue working on technique with the smooth shavers from Tom.
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