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Acqua di Parma

Hey, i got a little question. I got a sample of the Acqua di Parma Blu Mediterraneo Sicilian Almond EdT, and i really like it. my question is: how much differens is there between the types of blu mediterraneo, i have only smelled the sicilian almond.
Each is a different scent entirely. Fico D'Amalfi is a fig based. Cipresso is cypress. I forget the other options...
Though all ADP is pretty much unisex, I would say the Blu line lends itself to more to masculine and feminine. My wife love the Fico, but won't touch my berghamotto.
Ill touch your berghamotto if the price is right! :) yeah...that came out wrong, but...you know what Im talking about...christmas money for you berghamotto for me.
the blue line is more fruity, and definately unisex..

my wife loves the fico, as do i. Also i occasionally wear the begamoto de calabria, for a fresh lime burst..

the arancia is nice as well...

only downside is their staying power .. they dont last very long which could be a plus to some..
My favourite from the line is Mirto di Panarea - the basil note in it is amazing.
I don't own a full bottle though as I get a good basil-like note from Terre d' Hermes Pure Parfum which is much longer lasting.

I am a big fan of the AdP line though - Colonia original and Colonia Essenza being favourites of mine!
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