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Accidental BBS



I've had that experience with the feather AS-D2. Usually it gives a close but not BBS shave but every so often, I get a great shave.
I have had that experience with a number of different razors. My shaving has become extremely consistent. However, every once in a while I get a mystery BBS. Dolphin smooth skin, whiskers that are so much less than usual the next day with nothing sharp. It does not correlate with any particular (quality) razor blade, how many shaves on the blade, or even the particular razor. As long as the razor is pretty blade forward, it can happen. ATT SE1/SE2, ATT H2, Timeless Bronze .78, Karve with D and F plates, and a Micromatic OC.

I get great shaves consistently. When I do get one of these freaky BBS shaves, I try to recreate every single thing that led up to the shave. Nope, never happens. Another great shave, but never to the level of that magic BBS. Some mysteries will never be solved.

Conversely, I get about the same amount of freaky lousy shaves that are equally unexplainable, so there it is. The black art of wet shaving.


The most external layer of the dolphin's' skin, much like our own, and is called Epidermis. It is rubbery and thicker than the humans', but it has similar functions.

The believe the shave would be have either a FS (Flipper Smooth) or ES ( Epidermis Smooth) ...


But once you have achieved this ES or FS.
You need to make this sound:

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