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Acceptable price for NOS Tuckaway Set



I was out browsing around in an antique mall in my area and happened to see what I believe is a NOS Tuckaway set.

It was locked in a case so I didn't get to really look at it but it appeared to be completely unused and came with an eloquent cardboard shipper.

I didn't get to see the price, but I'm planning on heading back to check it out. I was just wondering what sort of price is reasonable?


My elbows leak
Staff member
Nothing. It's worthless. Could you tell me where that shop is?

Seriously, these can go for BIG bucks. A truly NOS, Mint Tuckaway could be in the hundreds and hundreds of dollars range to the right collector.

If it's reasonable and affordable, I suggest you snag it but quick.
I was out browsing around in an antique mall in my area and happened to see what I believe is a NOS Tuckaway set.

It was locked in a case so I didn\'t get to really look at it but it appeared to be completely unused and came with an eloquent cardboard shipper.

I didn\'t get to see the price, but I\'m planning on heading back to check it out. I was just wondering what sort of price is reasonable?

Nice find! You should definitely pick that baby up.
I agree with the posted estimates. A true NOS razor with outer carton would be a great find.

...and you can shave with it, too! [the razor, not the carton....]

it sounds wonderful - I wish I'd come across something like that in an antiques shop!

...and you can shave with it, too! [the razor, not the carton....]

it sounds wonderful - I wish I'd come across something like that in an antiques shop!


Note that if it's a true NOS tuckaway, and you pay for it, and then shave with it, it's no longer NOS and no longer worth the mentioned prices. It then is "just" a near-mint tuckaway.
An unopened NOS razor can still have a handle crack or other flaws. I would want to look at it closely before paying a high price.
Note that if it's a true NOS tuckaway, and you pay for it, and then shave with it, it's no longer NOS and no longer worth the mentioned prices. It then is "just" a near-mint tuckaway.

+1 I have a near mint Tuckaway that I bought at a local antique shop known for high prices, and I paid $22 for it.
My only antique store find worth bragging about was a fine condition Tuckaway (actually a Norfolk with a Tuckaway style handle) in excellent condition. Of course it was one of the first antique store visits that I experienced while looking for vintage razors. I have not found anything near as promising in the year since then.:frown:
Now you just have to hope the shop proprietor didn't see you checking it out, and end up Googling his way to the B&B...


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Note that if it's a true NOS tuckaway, and you pay for it, and then shave with it, it's no longer NOS and no longer worth the mentioned prices. It then is "just" a near-mint tuckaway.

At which point it becomes "better than mint" in the minds of some e-Bay sellers ... :rolleyes:
My only antique store find worth bragging about was a fine condition Tuckaway (actually a Norfolk with a Tuckaway style handle) in excellent condition. Of course it was one of the first antique store visits that I experienced while looking for vintage razors. I have not found anything near as promising in the year since then.:frown:

Hey me too! Except it was a silver New Improved Tuckaway. Since then, I've only gotten a ranger tech that's worth mentioning
I take it back...I've also gotten a cased Bostonian and a cased New Standard...
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