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Absorption problems with an aftershave balm?

This morning I had an unusual problem with my ASB (Lucky Tiger Vanishing Menthol), and wanted to get some input on similar issues and possible reasons. After my shave, cold water splash, alum, rinse, and witch hazel, I applied a fingertip's worth of the ASB to my face and throat, as I had done before; the amount I used was roughly consistent with what I'd used before. After massaging it in for a couple of minutes, there was still a bit of a film over my skin, but past experience said that film would be absorbed shortly. Past experience did not play out as accurate today, as no more of it absorbed, and it in fact seemed to dry on my face in the next few minutes. Ultimately, I had to wipe it off with a wet tissue, though my face still feels like it's been moisturized, nearly 13 hours later.

Anyone else have a similar experience with this, or any other, ASB?
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