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Above the tie.Questions

Hello gents,

My question is are there vintage razors worth the price? They seem way marked up is it just me? Just getting into the vintage market thank you guys.
I've noticed that they do SEEM high; what I believe you are paying the higher price for is condition and getting it now, from a well trusted source. Can you find some of them for cheaper? Sure, but the razor will likely be in a dirtier condition or you'll be finding a "diamond in the rough", as they say.
Abovethetie fills a demand slot. If you're looking for a fatboy and craigslist/ebay is empty, well then you can go there but of course it's going to cost more. In this case I would say impatience will cost you.
They are a bit high but their razors are immaculately restored and or cleaned and the best part of all you do not have to bid on them.
Like going to a high end clothing retailer and paying full price. Buying from there you'll never recoup what you paid for it however, if you absolutely know a certain razor works for you and would like to upgrade to a pristine one then ATT. is a source. Also reputation, past practices, and the fact he's a solid individual to deal with is something to take into consideration.


The Lather Maestro
Not everyone, myself included, enjoy the eBay experience. I hate going to antique stores even more. Stan's service is top-notch, he's a B&B supporter, and if you have discovered "your" dream razor through experimentation and want to lock in that RAD-ending razor, Above the Tie is the place to do it, IMO.

What bugs me more are razors in fair to poor shape on the 'bay with high starting bids. People are overestimating the market, I've been watching lately and a large number of them go unpurchased and are relisted. That I think is silly. But Above the Tie? For what they offer? Fairly priced, IMO. The comparison is not to an antique store the proper comparison is like buying from Best Buy online. You know what you are getting, you get it quickly, and they stand behind their product.
The real fun is the hunt, that is what collecting is all about. Pay full boat whenit is something you have to have that is super rare.
ATT's prices are higher but in my opinion they are justified because the razor will physically match Stan's description --- What you read and see will be exactly what you get. I know everybody hates it when an eBay seller's definition of "pristine, rarely used" really means plate loss, bent comb-guard, and a missing end cap. And most importantly of all..........You are guaranteed to get it. You see, you buy, you get. No hassles and no BS.

On a related note, his rhodium-plated razors are top quality as well.
Guys as always you have been great. I wasn't questioning ATT integrity, more the quality of his razors, thank you very much for all the info and shave well my friends.


The Lather Maestro
The real fun is the hunt, that is what collecting is all about. Pay full boat whenit is something you have to have that is super rare.

See, that's where we disagree. I get no joy out of hunting for shaving gear AT ALL. I understand it, of course, it's just not my bag. That's where a guy like Stan comes in handy.

For instance, he had a nice Gillette Red Tip, in my birth year, with case and instructions, all in one place. I collected all that over the course of the last year, at a higher cost than he listed the set for. And I would have had more 'fun' just ordering it from him.

If you like collecting, you're going to enjoy 'the hunt' obviously. If you are like me, and you just want a particular item, maybe a birthyear set or a gorgeous, replated razor you know will be in 100% condition and you don't enjoy all the goofing around at flea markets, Above the Tie is perfect. And cheaper in the long run. Penny wise, pound foolish as they say.

There is not one right answer, but to the OP, for what he offers, for people like me, his prices are just dandy, thank you very much. To shavefreak, they will always be too high. I guess, in that light, there is no answer to your question. ???
"There is not one right answer, but to the OP, for what he offers, for people like me, his prices are just dandy, thank you very much. To shavefreak, they will always be too high. I guess, in that light, there is no answer to your question. ???"

Epic.... and so the saga continues once upon a time in a galaxy not so far away.
Hello gents,

My question is are there vintage razors worth the price? They seem way marked up is it just me? Just getting into the vintage market thank you guys.
Worth the price? This 1914 Gillette bell tip Aristocrat was well worth the price for me.
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