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I am interested in straight razor. Thought I would go with the Parker SR1 Barber Straight with replaceable blades: http://razorbladesandmore.com/content/parker-sr1-barber-straight-razor-and-10-personna

Thought this would be a good starter kit. What blades can I use with this? Can I use DE blades? People talk about breaking the DE blades in half. How do you do that without slicing your fingers? Any other ideas? If this goes well would then go for the SE with a strop etc.

Go straight for the SR. Why beat around the bush? In the last few weeks I found a great starter SR at a local flea market for $15, someone here on B&B offered to hone it free, sent me a loaner SR, I bought a super cost-effective Poor Man's strop from WhippedDog, read up, watched a few videos, and had a fantastic first SR shave today. I hear such mixed things about the shavettes. My SR experience has been very cost effective -- $50 for the whole kit, which is about what it'd cost you to get in one stop shopping from WhippedDog. http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/348220-Oh-man-what-a-FIRST-STRAIGHT-RAZOR-shave!
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