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About to have my first injector shave - Help me decide

As I stated in the title, I am about to have my first injector shave. I need your help deciding which razor to use. I have a G-type and an adjustable M-type at my disposal. Both are in very good user condition. Which one would you choose and why? Thanks!
one of my mottos is "first do no harm" so i would start with what is presumably the milder razor, the M. once you have the technique (not hard, but different from a DE) then i would have a go with the G. get a little sloppy and the G will bite, at least in my hands.
I went with the M type. It was a fantastic shave. Anyone who has been thinking about trying an injector but has not should definitely get off the fence and do it.
I went with the M type. It was a fantastic shave. Anyone who has been thinking about trying an injector but has not should definitely get off the fence and do it.

Er, dumb question coming up - what's an injector shave? Pics?
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