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Abilene, KS

My vacation road trip took me to Abilene, KS. It is a small farming community of 5,000 off I-70 about 2 hours west of Kansas City. I was curious to see what I would find in the local antiques stores (there were 4 we checked) and pharmacy (I really wanted a root beer float at the soda counter!).

Well, we found a few straights, a couple of brushes, and only one miniature DE in the antiques store. By miniature, I mean that it was no longer than the last phalanx of my pinkie finger. It did have the original case and several spare blades, though! I passed. I wonder if dealers realize that there are better ways to make a buck if you have a DE razor to sell.

In the pharmacy (OK...soda shop) I found 99 cent Williams ($1.59 in FL), no DE blades, injector blades, Norelco rotary blades, Remington microscreen replacements, and cartridge stuff. I thought I might find more old school products, but was disappointed.
I spent a night sleeping on the roof of an RV in Abilene in the late 80s. Didn't make it to the Eisenhower library, but I do recall seeing a cowpie in a display case in some museum.
There are 2 museums there: one is the Heritage Center and Museum of Telephony (http://www.heritagecenterdk.com/historical_museum.html - must have been where you saw the cowpie!) and the other is at the Eisenhower Center (http://www.eisenhower.archives.gov/ - currently with great WWII exhibits). Both were worth the time if you are out there. It cost $4 for the first and $5 (half price Wednesday!) for the second.

I have a friend out there and one reason I journied out there was to see what antiques finds were available. We passed several large antiques malls on I-70. I wonder if they would have had any DE razors or if they are sold primarily over the net.
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