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ABC razor dating

Is there a date chart for ABC razors? I just got one with a code of : L14887 on one side of the comb piece and A864842 on the other side (at least I think it was an "A" ) Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Is there a date chart for ABC razors? I just got one with a code of : L14887 on one side of the comb piece and A864842 on the other side (at least I think it was an "A" ) Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Here is a link to date your razor. The "A" serial number dates your razor to 1909. The "L" serial number means, that the razor was back for repair.
The thing to remember is that these are Gillette razors and follow the same serial number system as any other US made Gillette. In this case ABC is a Gillette sub-contractor or supplier of a different looking razor then Gillette's standard line.

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