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ABC Razor date code?

I just picked up an ABC razor at an antique store. Pictures pending. MY question is there are 2 serial numbers stamped onto it. One is an "A" which makes sense. I don't have it in front of me but I believe it is a 1907 model. The other code is stamped on the same face, but on the other side, so it is upside down. Just spin it around 180 degrees to read it. It has an "L" in front of the number. What is that second number for?
I don't have any dating info for you, but congrats man! Doesn't it feel awesome to find one of the really sought-after razors "out in the wild?" I can't wait for the pics!
That is interesting. So does the "L" correspond to the L years like normal, or is that different.

I can't get pics for a couple days, but the codes are A 983687 (I'm a little fuzzy on the 8s and 3s, since they aren't well defined) and L44375.

Funny story about the razor and how it came to be mine actually. I saw this razor at an antique store out of state while on travel a year ago. I thought it was expensive so I didn't give it a second thought. And at the time I had no idea what it was, specifically. Then a few months ago I went back there (again on travel) and saw it, but also saw a nice cased Gem Micromatic that was much cheaper. I was after SEs at the time so got the GEM. Now going back to that city again, I had one goal, get the ABC razor. Now I knew what it was, and the price was good for what it is. So I went back to the store. When I got to the display, they owner of that booth was there and he asked if he could help me (he was cleaning out his booth). I said I was looking for the Gillette razor that used to be in the case. He said he knew which one it was and he had it in his car. So he went out to get it for me. If I had been any later, I would have missed out on the razor all together. I think I was meant to have this razor! I'll get pics up after I return from my trip.

It is the flower design in silver with a case. Case is rough, missing a lot of plating and felt inside is very rough. But razor seems to be in good shape. No blade case.
Congrats on the ABC - they really are nice razors and beautiful pieces of art as well. Quite a story behind its purchase . . . yes, it was meant to be "your" razor!

The second serial number, with the 'L', indicates that the razor was returned to the factory at some point for repair or rework. The 'A' serial number is the one originally applied, and dates the razor's production. There is no (known) database of 'L' serial numbers that would indicate when the repair/rework took place.

Back in that day, the sum of money spent on a premium Gillette razor was considerable, and products that were not satisfactory were repaired or replaced without question.

Be sure to post the pics . . . or it never happened!!! :laugh:
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Nice find! :thumbup1: They are really fine looking razors! Please report back when you've shaved with it and tell us how it performed!
Here's the pics, as promised. Not in the best shape, but not bad either. The head has some dings on it, but I don't think it'll affect the shave. And the plating loss on the case is wierd. Must have had something wrapped around it that took that band of plating off.

Any good ways to clean up the inside, or is it best to just leave it alone?




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That's silver, and very shiny. If I had to guess I would say that the plating loss in strange areas was due to over aggressive attempts to clean and polish.
The case looks more like it was taped shut... :confused1

Nice score, chief. Color me impressed. :thumbup1:

They are fantastic shavers. I use mine often.
The case looks more like it was taped shut... :confused1.

That is kinda what I was thinking. Taped shut or just had something wrapped around it. Either way it has a gold stripe aropund the middle now. I will probably try it out tomorrow. Hope the dings in the head dont affect it.
Very nice . . . an uncommon razor with dual serial numbers as well!

I also have a silver case (not ABC) that has the same gold "undertone" where the plating is lost from a band around the middle. I've wondered what would cause that . . .

The pattern on the set is beautiful . . . nice score!! :thumbup1:
I just used it this morning and it was great. Not the best shave, but I forgot to turn on the bathroom fan this morning and the mirror was completely fogged up, so I was shaving by feel. Only missed a few spots, but I did nick my upper lip, ouch! Very happy with this as a shaving tool. And finally I get to say that I've shaved with a razor that is over 100 years old!
Here's the pics, as promised. Not in the best shape, but not bad either. The head has some dings on it, but I don't think it'll affect the shave. And the plating loss on the case is wierd. Must have had something wrapped around it that took that band of plating off.

Any good ways to clean up the inside, or is it best to just leave it alone?

A very nice ABC!

The inside of the case is what it is. I would leave it alone. That felt is also 100 years old. If there is the odd debris that you can't blow out with your breath (and I just now thought, why not through a straw? I got to try that), you can take a slight damp cue tip and try and dab out the debris. No scrubbing motions. Don't even think "I wonder if that bit of stain will come out"! :ohmy:

If you are going to be using this razor fairly often, you may not want to keep the case in the bathroom. I'm pretty sure that a steamed up bathroom wasn't the norm a hundred years ago. :001_smile

A very nice ABC!

The inside of the case is what it is. I would leave it alone. That felt is also 100 years old. If there is the odd debris that you can't blow out with your breath (and I just now thought, why not through a straw? I got to try that), you can take a slight damp cue tip and try and dab out the debris. No scrubbing motions. Don't even think "I wonder if that bit of stain will come out"! :ohmy:

If you are going to be using this razor fairly often, you may not want to keep the case in the bathroom. I'm pretty sure that a steamed up bathroom wasn't the norm a hundred years ago. :001_smile


Thanks for the advice on lightly cleaning the case.

My bathroom isn't normally that steamy, since I usually use the fan. I keep my cases (and 99% of my shave gear in general) in the cabinet under the sink. I'm pretty sure most of the humidity stays out of there.
Congrats on that fine piece of history!

I have one coming to my front door step soon. I took a gamble on it and we shall see what the inside of the case looks like.

I'll post some pics when it arrives.

I'm thinking that I won't clean it because the patina gives it the true antique look......I am however gonna use it!

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