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abandonship's Entry into the B&B Hall of Fame

Please allow me to introduce myself:


What is your real name?

What are your nicknames/aliases?

Where do you live?
Boise, ID

What is your age (or) generation?

What are you in the real world?
Sous chef at a failing mexican resturaunt, political science student

What is your favorite shave setup?
I use a Dovo Bismark Super str8, Dovo leather strop Col. Conk's soap, and whatever after products I can afford.

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
I love to paint (and do it very badly). I am U.S. history fanatic (president and national politics specifically). I love the NYT crossword and anything dealing with New Orleans. I also love to discuss national politics and philosophy.

What else should the members of B&B know about you?
I'm currently living and going to school in Boise ID. I moved here from New Orleans due to the flooding of my apartment in '05. I plan to move back this summer and continue to bring that city back to the proper status it deserves. I am not a music snob, but I love all music (jazz, punk, country, classical, etc.), but especially Tom Waits, Nick Cave, The Cure, David Byrne and homegrown country/roots bands. I also love really old recordings of very rare stuff especially old blues recordings. I am married to the best woman in the world (we all say that don't we?) and have three cats. I am also childless by choice and don't plan on having kids. No offense to those with children, just not for me. I hope to one day be an old stodgy professor.

(Thread generated automatically by the Hall of Fame Submission Form)
Welcome Phil and its nice to meet you. My hat is off to you to wanting to move back to New Orleans and rebuild. :thumbup: I think that is great!
Let's see....BSU wins their bowl game, and the Saint's look like they could take it all this year....YOU have some serious MOJO going on. Hope your Move back to NOLA is a smooth and a successful one.
Let's see....BSU wins their bowl game, and the Saint's look like they could take it all this year....YOU have some serious MOJO going on. Hope your Move back to NOLA is a smooth and a successful one.
Thanks, but I had some money riding on Oklahoma... whoops. Who knew that BSU could do that? Anyhow, the most likely thing to happen to the Saints will be a horrible loss in the playoffs. As much as I love the team and the city, they are, well, the Saints, you know?:smile:
Thanks Joanna, I'm not sure why I threw that in there other than a fit of honesty.
Welcome Phil

How did you end up Boise after New Orleans?

My family lives here and since my wife's folks are in Biloxi (damaged as much as New Orleans if not worse) we thought the best option would be to move here. The house I lived in was all but destroyed (I lived upstairs so most of my stuff was salvagable), so I couldn't stay there. Needless to say I hate it here (it's cold, boring and BSU is a whole lot more expensive for a lower quality of education than my former university). I also find that there is a huge amount of unfounded hatred for the south here that I don't like to deal with. Why is that anyhow? I find it in poor taste that the practice of mocking the south as backwards or stupid is acceptable. I also am not a fan of the western (US) mindset of individualism to the max with no regard for the rest of the country (I'm a political science student, so I regularly deal with that sort of attitude). I was born in Montana, but was an Air Force brat, so I don't have a hometown. I guess you could call me a convert to the south. I also feel like I am a deserter, that New Orleans needs all the help it can get to become something better and more deserving of respect than even before Katrina (I know the people there have a lot of responsiblility for that considering their reelection of Nagin and others). Anyhow, I ended up here and I will hopefully be returning soon.

PS: Is there a spell check on this board? I've posted quite a bit since I found this wonderful site, but I'm a stickler for correct spelling:smile:
Boise is a little strange anyway. It sees itself as better then the rest of the state. I love Idaho, but I also accept that it is Idaho.

I am from the State of Washington and love being here in Pocatello, but it was a change for me.

It is still cool to have another Idahoan shaver. Welcome!

I am going to be doing some training over in Boise in February (me training others), you will have to tell me if you find any cool shops that carry shaving supplies.


Welcome to B&B, and I'm glad you survived Katrina. I have relatives that USED to live down in Port Sulphur. I guess that town is pretty much gone. Now you have me wondering...is there a Mexican Gumbo?


Welcome to B&B, and I'm glad you survived Katrina. I have relatives that USED to live down in Port Sulphur. I guess that town is pretty much gone. Now you have me wondering...is there a Mexican Gumbo?

Wow, I have no clue.:biggrin: I've never found a recipe (I haven't tried myself) that incorporates the two vital ingedients in Gumbo (Filet which is sassafrass and okra) into anything mexican. I like a lot of fusion in my cooking, but that sounds rather disgusting. Maybe I'll try that at the restaurant and see if brings any more business...
I'm not sure about Port Sulpher, I was only there once to pick up a friend who worked on the rigs. I hope your relatives are making out okay.

Great to be in company here in the most unshaven place I've been. I haven't been shopping lately for any non essentials since the Christmas season. Being broke does that to you. Boise is wierd in many ways. It's not a bad place to live if you have kids and love the outdoors. I miss the public transportation, but what do you do, eh?
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