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A Very Unexpected PIF

Last week Triad was doing some den cleaning. He seemed to have some great deals on some quality items. He had a couple of blade holders for trade so I went for the gold one. Now these blade holders can fetch a premium price on the bay, and all Triad wanted was a 10-pack of Feathers, so we made the deal. He said he would even include a couple Israelli Reds to try! I had also expressed an interest tin the brush, but unfortunately, he wanted more in trade than I had to offer, so I passed on the brush.

I slipped a couple of local post cards in an envelope along with the blades & took it to the post office Saturday morning. Later on that day, I sent Triad a pm advising him I had mailed the blades, and that’s when the unexpected began happening!

Here was his reply, “Sweet thanks Frank, you interested in that brush I’ll give it to you as a pif? Give you your choice between the parker or slim also?”

Not wanting to turn down the proverbial Gift Horse, I accepted his generous offer for the Omega synthetic & the 1963 Slim.

When I checked yesterday’s mail there was a priority box from Texas. I didn’t even wait to go back to my office! I ripped open the box right there in the post office!

Go to the next post to see what was in the box
Sure enough, there was the blade holder with two Israelli Reds. “But wait,” as Billy Mays would say, “There’s more!” And there it was, my PIF – The Omega & the Slim as promised. I was WOW’ed to say the least! Thanks again Toby, you are truly a credit to B&B!


So how did your week go?

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