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A Thousand Thumbs Up for the Merkur Slant!

I just had my 1st shave with a Slant, and I gotta say...WOW! I received the World's Most PIF'd Slant in the mail from Australia yesterday, but had to wait until today to try it out for the 1st time, since I had just finished shaving when I checked the mail.:001_rolle

My shave of the day consisted of a Wilkinson Sword Premium Chromium blade and Klar Kabinett Shave Soap face lathered with a Tweezerman Badger brush, followed by Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum aftershave.

I was expecting at least some blood letting just due to the posts I've seen about this razor, but only had one tiny weeper on the tip of my chin during my 1st XTG pass.

This razor seems to shave all by itself! I did my usual 4 pass shave: WTG, 2 XTG (in opposite directions), and ATG. Apparently I was a little too tentative on my 1st WTG pass, as I had quite a bit of stubble on my neck, so I threw another WTG pass in at the end just for the fun of it.

When I was done, I threw on some Pinaud Bay Rum, which is my usual aftershave when trying out a new razor, just to judge my technique. This stuff will definitely light your face up if you were too harsh or used pressure. For the 1st time ever, my face didn't even get the slightest bit warm. I was amazed. I'm definitely gonna have to buy myself a Merkur Slant, and soon!:thumbup:

I'd definitely recommend this razor to anyone that hasn't had the good fortune to try one yet. But you'll have to wait a few more weeks before you have a shot at this one!:biggrin1:

How does the Merkur compare to the vintage Hoffritz? Gonna have to try one of those one of these days, too.

Great, there goes my RAD again!:glare::lol::lol:
This one is the Heavy Classic, so I guess it is what you referred to as Regular. The knurling doesn't spiral down the handle. Hope that makes sense!
Is this the regular Slant or the Barberpole? I am going to buy one also but cannot decide between the 2 models.

Opinions of course will vary, but whichever you get, if you don't find it to your liking, you'll very likely be able to sell it for about what you paid for it. It will be an inexpensive experiment.

I have and would get the "regular" classic model. It's a design that's been around for decades. It's not "flashy" or fashionable, it just continues to look like what it is, a classic well made tool. Along with the Gillette fatboy, the regular slant is sort of like a classic Harley Davidson.
I just had my 1st shave with a Slant, and I gotta say...WOW! I received the World's Most PIF'd Slant in the mail from Australia yesterday, but had to wait until today to try it out for the 1st time, since I had just finished shaving when I checked the mail.:001_rolle

My shave of the day consisted of a Wilkinson Sword Premium Chromium blade and Klar Kabinett Shave Soap face lathered with a Tweezerman Badger brush, followed by Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum aftershave.

I was expecting at least some blood letting just due to the posts I've seen about this razor, but only had one tiny weeper on the tip of my chin during my 1st XTG pass.

This razor seems to shave all by itself! I did my usual 4 pass shave: WTG, 2 XTG (in opposite directions), and ATG. Apparently I was a little too tentative on my 1st WTG pass, as I had quite a bit of stubble on my neck, so I threw another WTG pass in at the end just for the fun of it.

When I was done, I threw on some Pinaud Bay Rum, which is my usual aftershave when trying out a new razor, just to judge my technique. This stuff will definitely light your face up if you were too harsh or used pressure. For the 1st time ever, my face didn't even get the slightest bit warm. I was amazed. I'm definitely gonna have to buy myself a Merkur Slant, and soon!:thumbup:

I'd definitely recommend this razor to anyone that hasn't had the good fortune to try one yet. But you'll have to wait a few more weeks before you have a shot at this one!:biggrin1:

How does the Merkur compare to the vintage Hoffritz? Gonna have to try one of those one of these days, too.

Great, there goes my RAD again!:glare::lol::lol:

Another convert. Welcome to the club!
How does the Merkur compare to the vintage Hoffritz? Gonna have to try one of those one of these days, too.
My first slant was a vintage Hoffritz. I bought a 39C to expand my slant options. I second your position that this razor seems to shave by itself. My slants are the only razors I can make an ATG pass with and feel zero irritation or burn. My 39C is now my daily go-to tool.

Welcome to the world of slantophiles.
I have quite a few razors. EJ DE89L, Merkur 34C, 33C, Futur, Gillette Super Speeds, Slim, New, and a few others.

Today I shaved with a slant for my first time loaded with a Shark SC. A very generous B&Ber sent me a 37C for a donation to B&B and it has changed my life. Wowee!!! Very BBS shave. I might have a new favourite!!
I have a 39C and during the days of DE shaving, this thing was awesome :thumbup:. I would use it alone or in combination with my HD.

I just had my 1st shave with a Slant, and I gotta say...WOW! I received the World's Most PIF'd Slant in the mail from Australia yesterday, but had to wait until today to try it out for the 1st time, since I had just finished shaving when I checked the mail.:001_rolle

My shave of the day consisted of a Wilkinson Sword Premium Chromium blade and Klar Kabinett Shave Soap face lathered with a Tweezerman Badger brush, followed by Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum aftershave.

I was expecting at least some blood letting just due to the posts I've seen about this razor, but only had one tiny weeper on the tip of my chin during my 1st XTG pass.

This razor seems to shave all by itself! I did my usual 4 pass shave: WTG, 2 XTG (in opposite directions), and ATG. Apparently I was a little too tentative on my 1st WTG pass, as I had quite a bit of stubble on my neck, so I threw another WTG pass in at the end just for the fun of it.

When I was done, I threw on some Pinaud Bay Rum, which is my usual aftershave when trying out a new razor, just to judge my technique. This stuff will definitely light your face up if you were too harsh or used pressure. For the 1st time ever, my face didn't even get the slightest bit warm. I was amazed. I'm definitely gonna have to buy myself a Merkur Slant, and soon!:thumbup:

I'd definitely recommend this razor to anyone that hasn't had the good fortune to try one yet. But you'll have to wait a few more weeks before you have a shot at this one!:biggrin1:

How does the Merkur compare to the vintage Hoffritz? Gonna have to try one of those one of these days, too.

Great, there goes my RAD again!:glare::lol::lol:
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