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A thought for enticing one's female S/O's into wetshaving

A little background...
I started an account here when my husband began wetshaving, as he's not a messageboard person. I've stayed on because, as many have mentioned, the community is absolutely amazing. But I hadn't tried out a DE myself before Saturday night.
I don't shave much in the wintertime; it's not terribly fun wearing skirts when there's snow on the ground, and, at the risk of skirting TMI, I don't have heavy body hair, so I don't develop Chewbacca legs if I go a while between shaves. But I realized while reading in the tub that my legs had really gotten a bit out of hand. DH was happily shaving away at the mirror with his 11C. I mentioned my legs offhandedly, and that I was out of (el cheapo disposable plastic) razors. He finished off his shave and offered his razor as an experiment, along with some lather, and I figured, "Why not?"

Now here's the kicker- it was such a nice piece of machinery, and the single-blade didn't clog up the way the plastic crap does, that I was able to shave incredibly quickly ("hammer and tongs, " I believe someone described it as) without having to spend a lot of time cleaning gunk out of the razor, and touch-ups were practically nil. "Eureka!" I thought, "This may be the answer!" My approach to shaving has always been that of many other women; to get my shaving done as quickly and efficiently as possible. The DE allowed me to get my shave done closely and in very good time. The process is analogous to shaving with plastic crap, so it didn't take long at all to get the hang of it- I have a feeling that any woman used to shaving with plastic crap will be able to pick it up quickly and be shaving at her usual rate in next to no time. Perhaps if one were to pitch it as a less wasteful *and* efficient way to shave, and supply a shaving cream that can be slapped on in a hurry the way most of us use body wash/liquid soap/conditioner/etc for a shave gel, one could get one's S/O started. It may seem counter-productive, as I know that taking one's time and a bit of pampering is the desired end result, but if playing up the potential quickness and efficiency gets her started, isn't it worth it? Everything else can come later, once she's hooked. ("Here, honey, I bought you this new soap- it smells like that thing you like, and gee, this brush is so soft I thought you might like to give it a try," etc.)

Just a thought.
I figured, "Why not?"

Now here's the kicker- it was such a nice piece of machinery, and the single-blade didn't clog up the way the plastic crap does, that I was able to shave incredibly quickly ("hammer and tongs, " I believe someone described it as) without having to spend a lot of time cleaning gunk out of the razor, and touch-ups were practically nil. "Eureka!" I thought, "This may be the answer!" My approach to shaving has always been that of many other women; to get my shaving done as quickly and efficiently as possible. The DE allowed me to get my shave done closely and in very good time. The process is analogous to shaving with plastic crap, so it didn't take long at all to get the hang of it- I have a feeling that any woman used to shaving with plastic crap will be able to pick it up quickly and be shaving at her usual rate in next to no time. Perhaps if one were to pitch it as a less wasteful *and* efficient way to shave, and supply a shaving cream that can be slapped on in a hurry the way most of us use body wash/liquid soap/conditioner/etc for a shave gel, one could get one's S/O started. It may seem counter-productive, as I know that taking one's time and a bit of pampering is the desired end result, but if playing up the potential quickness and efficiency gets her started, isn't it worth it? Everything else can come later, once she's hooked. ("Here, honey, I bought you this new soap- it smells like that thing you like, and gee, this brush is so soft I thought you might like to give it a try," etc.)

Just a thought.

Interesting to get another SO's perspective!

I shaved SWMBO's legs for her the other day...got a VERY positive reaction to warm "superlather" and (I think) she was pleasantly surprised how good a shave I/we got with a single pass of a DE :001_smile

I've got an excuse for getting more razors as I can always offer her the Tech! :lol:
My SWMBO always mocked me on my shaving (especially straits). On the sly she grabbed one of my techs, a brush and some soap. Needless to say that tech is now her's, along with a new very floppy brush, and here own bowl of soap. She has even been eyeing a strait..maybe it is time I give her a shave with the strait.

Congrats on finding the joys of a DE
I am glad you enjoyed it as much as you did. My wife didn't have quite as good a experience using my fatboy the first time. I got her a Lady Gillette (light blue), the next week, which she enjoys. Still prefers her caned goo/gel in the shower. Incremental steps, right.
Haven't got my S/O to use a DE yet but I'm slowly getting there. She now uses my KMF cream and likes it a lot since it can be used brushless. I have offered her my old Merkur which I don't use and she's curious but skeptical about the time issue and says that I take longer than her in the shower. I tell her it's because I enjoy it and not just a chore as she states and if she would give it a try one day she would probably like it too.
I got my girlfriend converted to DE too. She says that the shave is better, and that she cuts herself less with DE than she did with the disposables. She is using the Trader Joe's/rebranded Alba brushless cream which she likes a lot.

She lives in an older building, and we discovered one of those slots in the back of the medicine cabinet for disposing of used blades into the wall. She found the entire idea amusing, and now that is where the used blades go.
SWMBO was really impressed with the improvement in my skin when I switched from a Mach3 to a straight. I gently suggested one of Mama Bear's shave sticks for women (the Chanel No. 22 scent — she loves all things Chanel). I showed her how to lather up with one of my brushes and she loves it!

Her next shave will be with a Schick Krona. I've already been told that if she likes it, I need to find a pink lady gillette . . .
My lovely wife has a bad scar on her ankle from when she was young and borrowed Daddy's Gillette to shave her legs. She appears to have gouged a deep hunk out of her ankle somehow.

Ain't no way I'll ever get her to try another DE.
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