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A Terrible Experience

I was at the flea market yesterday. I picked up a few old bottles and a wood box. I asked one of the vendors if he had any old double edged razors. He said I get some in boxes of stuff I buy from time to time, but I just throw them away. Everybody shaves with disposables now.

Throws them away?

I was sick the rest of the afternoon and I am just now able to talk about it.

Did you give him a card and ask him to save any he gets from here on in for you? Never know until you try...

He said he would save them now.

I hate to add misery to misery, but two vendors told me they had thrown away Old Spice bottles with OS still in them.

Oh, the humanity!

Tragic, I know... I've had antique store dealers tell me the same thing (That they pitch them). On the plus side, you can pretty much name your price when they get them in.
Secondhand stores like Salvation Army and the like, discard personal items such as razors as a matter of policy. They consider them a hazard to clean, and won't sell dirty items. Even if you request that they save the razors for you, they decline.

Sad, really. I try not to think of the treasures they've surely thrown out.

-- John Gehman


My elbows leak
Staff member
You know, I think these things to myself as I roam the antique mall aisles.
I see things that I believe nobody would collect (like campbells soup cups - they only made billions of them) and picture somebody saying to themselves - "Oh, the campbells soup cup is recognizeable, therefore it must be worth money" while they calmly toss Old Spice mugs into the dust bin.
Just speechless...Seems you find one extreme or another. They either think they're worthless, or they think they're worth a mint.
You really have to start giving your name and number/email to antique dealers. Most keep Rolodexes of people who buy stuff and they're usually thrilled to have a guaranteed razor buyer.
Both, it is a sinful crime!

I am giving out my cards now. I am on a mission to save the razors.

How many bumper stickers do I need to print up?



careful now, since people found out about my camera collection my flat has become a sanctuary for old, unwanted optical equipment. I've piles of forlorn cameras I can't bear to throw away, but haven't the time to tart them up for eBay.
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