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A reminder about injector razors.....

All this jabberin about the Schicks made me look forward to my nightly ritual last night. Only one thing I forgot....with all this talk about how smooth and safe the Schicks are....they are still really freaking SHARP! This was my third shave with the Personna 74's and I must have been over exhuberant because I had several weepers all over the place. Note to self......still a razor!! Also, I was using VanDerhagen soap and I can never seem to get a thick lather going with it. It always seems thin especially compared to my Spiess or Irisch Moos shave sticks!!

I won't tell ya what happened when I splashed on my Master's Bay Rum!!!!!!!!!!! :spockflam :yikes:
Yup- they still require a soft deft touch and a proper angle to get it right. Comes better and better with practise!
Of course, the fact that my first no-nicks shaves were with SEs, over 58 years ago, and I learned to use it so young, it's like a bicycle, and I'll never forget how to ride with it (sounds like a possibility). I was still just a teenager when I started using Injectors, so maybe the same early muscle memory is staying locked in.

I've gotten some nicks from a Black Tip Gillette DE in the past few months, and from a disposable Bic, but when I look back over my shoulder to 58 years ago and the heirloom DEs I couldn't master back then, I do recall wearing half a dozen little bits of tissue on nicks at breakfast far too often. Maybe I just feel less press of time lately . .
The problem I have with injectors is when I switch from a DE to an injector, the weight difference gets me. I have to be very conscious about not pressing the injector.

Hoping to get my first injector shave tonight or tomorrow morning.
So long as my ebay Type G comes in.
And assuming the Walmart I'm about to hit has blades.....
The problem I have with injectors is when I switch from a DE to an injector, the weight difference gets me. I have to be very conscious about not pressing the injector.


The same thing happens to me, I have to remind myself otherwise I get quite a few weepers
The problem I have with injectors is when I switch from a DE to an injector, the weight difference gets me. I have to be very conscious about not pressing the injector.


You know Jim... You are to something there!! Didn't even think of that. I am used to having to press a tad with the DE's. I guess using an injector should follow more along the lines of using a Gem SE in regards to pressure. Thank you for that tip!!
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