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A rather firm stance against alcohol

What do we think about this rather categorical statement*

Is there a dermatologist in the house who can affirm/refute?

I love the scent of the Dominica Bay Rum I use, but it's 55.5% alcohol, and though the sting isn't too bad, it does leave something of a shine on the skin. I would prefer to feel a bit more of a rubbery "tack" to the skin after applying AS.

I have fair, normal-to-dry Irish skin, live at altitude, and the average humidity here is about 50 percent in summer, and slightly lower in winter. Days of 30% humidity are not unheard of, especially in winter.

I don't use a DE -- yet -- but I do prepare for shaving with a hot towel, pre-shave oil, and hand-applied cream followed with a brush.

How would you counsel me? I bow to your expertise.
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Just to spite them, I am going to use Crown Royal after my next shave. I'm just not sure if it will be on my face, or on the rocks... :tongue_sm
Welcome to B&B! Fan of Bob Dorough?

Oh, the alcohol thing? I never used any kind of AS before I started using a brush and traditional lathering. Now I use an alcohol-based AS almost every day. I have fewer ingrowns than I used to have. The wrinkles are about what I expect for my age.

We can counter pseudoscientific nonsense with unscientific anecdotes, right?
I've been using alcohol-based aftershaves for 20 years now and my skin is feeling better than ever. Looking forward to the next 20 years.
I have used alcohol based aftershaves for my entire shaving career (more than twenty years) without a problem.


My elbows leak
Staff member
What do you think about this rather categorical statement?

NOTE: Do not accept as fact balderdash or baseless opinions not supported by empirical data. The "burn" is your eyes complaint that your inputting nonsense into your brain and contributing to IQ loss. "Popular Yuppie Folklore" can also irritate friends and acquaintances, which can lead to feelings of loneliness.

My opinion is use what works for you. Some people seem to have more issues with alcohol splashes than others. Some people do well with alcohol splashes but prefer balms in winter weather.
You are the best judge of what feels good to your skin. I personally believe there's a lot more to wrinkles than just using an alcohol splash. Diet, lifestyle, other habits (such as smoking, how must sleep you get, what kind of stress you are under) and genetics play a much bigger role than an aftershave.
Balms leave my face oily and sticky and just feeling like I dipped my face in a vat of grease.
I use alcohol splashes daily and have for decades. Those who know me can attest to the fact that my face is far less wrinkled than most people my age and many that are younger.
My dermatologist has strongly recommended I use no alcohol-based products on my face. I have mild rosacea on my cheeks so the prohibition is less about the "sting" but that alcohol (and menthol or similar) causes the rosacea to really flare up.

Also considering that alcohol dries your skin, I could probably see why dermatologists would want people to not use alcohol-based products as a rule, but obviously I'm not one and that discussion of whether it works for you should be between you and your dermatologist.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Obviously, a skin condition such as rosacea put's one out of the circle of the average Joe who gets caught up in these discussions.

For the average guy who doesn't have a skin condition, it's simply a matter of personal preference.
Dermatologists send mixed messages about the use of alcohol, and there doesn't seem to be any scientific evidence that alcohol in the quantity, concentration and duration used in an aftershave is actually bad for skin when applied topically.

There are PLENTY of scientific articles that speak to the hazards to your skin from the consumption of alcohol, but of course everyone ignores that advice and clings to the notion that putting some on your face is bad.

For every dermatologist who claims that alcohol is bad for skin, there's one who disagrees.

Barring a personal preference, or a study proving ill effects, just take the nay-saying with the pound of salt it deserves.
Well, I've been using Dominica just about every morning almost since I picked up DE again. There is no sting for me, by the way, because I'm gentle with the blade. As far as what the alcohol does to my skin, I don't think I'm worse off because of it. Actually, I think overall my skin looks better than before, which may be because of the MWF bath soap I'm using, or the MWF shaving soap, or the Dominica, or all three. But really I don't care so much. I like the feel and the smell Dominica.
I could see if one was splashing alcohol on their face multiple times a day. But once a day and for some of us, much less? I don't see the problem.

Yes, in the drier months alcohol can dry my face a bit. They make unscented balms for that reason :) I will say Old Spice and Krampert's Finest bay rum don't seem to dry my face one bit. I also add 12 or so drops of glycerin to a 2oz bottle of Witch Hazel, which also helps my face keep moisturized.

I worked for 6 months in a "dry room" for 8 hours a day at less than 10% Relative humidity. Once my body adjusted, I had no issues beyond dry lips (lip balm takes good care of that). My hands were fine because they were in gloves all day. Of course, I was only 23 then. Nothing bothered me!
I love alcohol, and Dominica...but I always finish with a moisturizer...Witch Hazel, Tcheon Fung Sing Begamotto Negroli...
I have some alcohol based AS that are actually quite moisturizing (i.e. Captain's Choice Bay Rum). Aftershaves like that are loaded with EO, WH, glycerin that provide plenty of moisturizing and the alcohol is great for its sterilizing property.
While agree that burning is a sign that something isn't right for your skin, alcohol after shaves don't burn as a matter of course. I use alcohol aftershaves and the ones I use don't burn at all. There have been a few that do give me the burn, but I don't use those for that very reason.
I've grown into alcohol as an AS because of the antiseptic properties. After flaring open those pores and micro cuts, I feel like a good antiseptic keeps bumps and acne from forming around those follicles. If I want to moisturize I can come back with a lotion in a few minutes.
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