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A nice little blade that doesn't get enough credit.

A few days ago my brother gave me a Timor blade to shave with, as its his current favorite. I was hesitant, seeing as it hasn't received much praise here on the forums, but I decided to give it a go last night.


I may have found my new favorite. Unfortunately they seem to be a little difficult to find.
Most other blades pull right around my goatee area, but this blade sliced right through it no problem, yet wasn't too sharp on my sensitive skin. A very comfortable shave followed.
Except for price and the difficulty of finding it I expect it would be a lot more popular. It's a very fine blade.
I think they are on the expensive side, especially when compared to the super blade values coming out of Russia.
I've been at this a long time and have two go-to blades: Feathers & Personna Meds, of which I have many years of supply. However, I often try other blades given to me by friends or I'll pick up an odd pack from a vendor to push me over the free-shipping threshold. Honestly, with the exception of Merkurs which are just awful, I can't tell the difference between one blade and another. It doesn't matter what razor I use, I can get a decent shave out of most any blade. I will occasionally run across a dud blade but it's pretty rare and I don't judge a brand based on a single blade. If I had to do it all over again, I think I'd just load up on cheap blades and have the luxury of a fresh blade for every shave. That doesn't mean that there aren't some really terrible blades out there, but it seems that most of the ones that appear to be member favorites are in fact pretty good.
These are nice blades but have been over-priced in the past. They are very reasonably priced right now at Connaughts.
I don't believe I'll ever lay out any more dough for a German blade. The Merkurs I got with my razors were plain lousy and when I bought the first Wally Wilks to replace the wonderful-for-me Personnas they also bit big bow wow. :cursing:

Just not worth it for me. I have plenty of DE blades made in Asia, America, Africa, and even other countries in Europe. They all work. And the Germans will make money anyway. :glare:
They are good, though it's hard for me to evaluate a blade when I've only shaved with approximately 8 of them. These would look appropriate laying next to an Apollo Razor. They're very pricey if you're ordering by the 100s from Germany--over 75,00 Euro per 200 and plus shipping, ouch!
They are good, though it's hard for me to evaluate a blade when I've only shaved with approximately 8 of them. These would look appropriate laying next to an Apollo Razor. They're very pricey if you're ordering by the 100s from Germany--over 75,00 Euro per 200 and plus shipping, ouch!

They are good, though it's hard for me to evaluate a blade when I've only shaved with approximately 8 of them. These would look appropriate laying next to an Apollo Razor. They're very pricey if you're ordering by the 100s from Germany--over 75,00 Euro per 200 and plus shipping, ouch!

Yes, they are not cheap, that's for sure. Most of the places to order from will not charge the VAT, which makes them a little cheaper. Between Timor and Souplex and Bolzano, Solingen still is a great source of sharp steel. I do not mind paying the premium.
-- Chet
I've been at this a long time and have two go-to blades: Feathers & Personna Meds, of which I have many years of supply. However, I often try other blades given to me by friends or I'll pick up an odd pack from a vendor to push me over the free-shipping threshold. Honestly, with the exception of Merkurs which are just awful, I can't tell the difference between one blade and another. It doesn't matter what razor I use, I can get a decent shave out of most any blade. I will occasionally run across a dud blade but it's pretty rare and I don't judge a brand based on a single blade. If I had to do it all over again, I think I'd just load up on cheap blades and have the luxury of a fresh blade for every shave. That doesn't mean that there aren't some really terrible blades out there, but it seems that most of the ones that appear to be member favorites are in fact pretty good.


Derbys and Dorcos are my go to blades. I also have a supply of Personna 74s that I use. Like you, I can get a decent shave from virtually any blade. it's good to hear that I'm not that only person who can get a great shave from any blade (except one). I feel the same about virtually any soap or cream (except artisan soaps).

I have used plenty of blades, and I have never had a terrible blade except for Chromas, which are another German blade. Simply dreadful.
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