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A lunch that I'll never forget

Yesterday ended up being one of the few days that the three guys that I often go out for lunch with happened to be in the office and all wanted to go out. This has been a tough year for a couple of them; Kevin's wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and just started treatment while Jon's 13 year old son has been in the hospital for the past 7 months waiting for a heart transplant after being born with heart issues.

As we're in the middle of eating, Jon gets a phone call and we can tell by how he answered that it's his son. He gets up to go outside to talk to him. The rest of us voice our usual concern to each other and ask the others if have heard how he's doing. A couple of minutes later Jon comes back inside and frantically says, "Luke, can you take me back to the office?!?!" Knowing it has something to do with his son and that he has a 2+ hour drive to get to the hospital where he's being treated, I immediately get up and dump what's left of my lunch. The others follow once they figure out what's going on, even though I offered to come back for them. As we're walking out, one of them asked Jon what was going on and Jon breathlessly reply's, "He got his heart!"

After a faster than usual ride back to the office, Jon quickly left to go to the hospital. He's had a Care Pages page going for his son since he first went into the hospital at the end of last year, so the rest of us have been following the updates since. After a 15 hour surgery, Jon's son is in recovery, so here's to hoping for the best!

As the subject indicates, that was a lunch that I'll certainly remember. I don't have any particular purpose for posting this other than the fact that it made for an exciting lunch break and to request positive thoughts for my co-worker's son.


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
That certainly sounds like a lunch to remember! Sorry you all didn't get to finish your lunches but that's one great reason to cut them short! :thumbup:

Wishing for the very best for your co-worker and his son.
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Unfortunately this seems to be the exception rather than the rule. Thanks for the uplifting story, hopefully he will have a full and speedy recovery.
That's a great story and good luck to Jon's son. Can't help but wonder though, did someone remember today the check?


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
Incredible lunch. Please pass along my wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
Stories like this make me feel good. I'm all about the children. All I want for them, is that they get a fair chance at life. If I die today, I had a fair shake. I'm middle aged and only hope every child gets a chance at a good life. all my best for a speedy recovery for the young man. Keep us posted on his recovery.
Great, great news and what a terrific idea to share the story.

I find myself sobered by this good news by what was bad news for another family...

What a considerate gesture on their part to donate and the lifelong impact that such a selfless decision can have.

And yes, I'm a registered organ donor - if this touched you and you have not ever considered it, do. Laws vary by state but the opportunity before each of us to change the life of another, does it get any better?:thumbup1:

There, I shall now descend from my soapbox...
Just wanted to give you guys that have responded an update. Per the last I saw from Jon on the Care Page he's using, his son is doing well post-surgery. He's responding by squeezing hands, wiggling his tongue and moving his eyes, but it still heavily sedated. He's had some bleeding issues which started at the end of the surgery, but were expected due to the removal of the Berlin heart that he's had for the last 5 or 6 months. They patched his chest, instead of completely closing it, to allow them to get back in quickly if needed. Once the bleeding issue has completely resolved they're planning to bring him into surgery to close his chest and then begin bringing him out of sedation and extubate him.
Best wishes to all involved. I hope that the four men and the boy can go to lunch and tell him the story of the best lunch interruption ever.
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